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Comminications Engineer O.C.C.

basic electronics: 45% +5 per level
computer operation: 55% +5 per level
language one of choice: 70% +5 per level
radio basic: 65 +5 per level
radio scrambler: 50% +5 per level
radio sattelite relay: 45% +5 per level
survailance systems: 40% +5 per level
weapon systems: 50% +5 per level
read sensors: 45% +5 per level
W.P. automatic pistol
W.P. automatic rifle
hand to hand basic

O.C.C. Related: Select six other skills, but at least two must be from the communications category.  Plus one additional O.C.C. Related skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.  All new skills start at level one proficency.
Communications: any ( +15%)
Domestic: any
Electrical: any (+5%)
Espionage: wilderness survival only
Mechanical: any (+5%)
Medical: first anid only (+5%)
Military: none
Physical: any
Pilot: any, except Veritech (+5% )
Pilot related: any (+5%)
Rogue: computer hacker only (+10%)
Science: any
Technical: any (10%)
Wilderness: wilderness survival only
W.P. any

Secondary Skills: Select four other skills from those listed, excluding those marked "none".  These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the bonuses In parenthesis.  All secondary skills start at the base skill level.  At levels 3, 6, 9, 11, and 15 select and additional secondary skill.

Standard Equipment:Automatic pistol, automatic rifle, survival knife, canteen, food rations for 2 weeks, first aid kit, 6 signal flairs, infrared distanceing binoculars, helmet, protective goggles, a durable flashlight, multi-optics band, pocket flashlight, compass, long range directional radio, two short range wrist radios, headphone, portable tool kit, two uniforms.

Monthly Wages: $2000 dollers for enlisted men at levels 1-5, $2400 per month for non-commisioned officers , and low ranking officicers level 6 and higher, $3000 to $4000 for high ranking officers.

Personal Savings:4D6x100.