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My Tribute To Howard Stern


This page is dedicated to the morning show I listen to as often as I can. The Howard Stern Show broadcasts into Toronto via Q107. I dedicate this space on the Web to the man who makes me laugh out loud ... Mr. Howard Stern..The King of ALL Media..

Name: Howard Allan Stern
Birthdate: January 12, 1954
Birthplace: New York, NY
Occupations: Actor, Writer, TV/radio host

Quote: "We got him in formaldehyde. Just because he's in a bottle doesn't mean he can't have a life of his own." --Howard, joking on air about wife Alison's miscarriage

Claim to Fame: King of All Media, host of his own morning radio show and star of his eponymous late-night E! show.

Significant Other(s): Wife: Alison Berns; married in 1978

Family: Daughter: Emily
Daughter: Debra
Daughter: Ashley Jade
Father: Ben, radio sound engineer
Mother: Ray
Sister: Ellen Denn

Factoid: Ran for governor (1994) of NY on the Libertarian ticket; pulled out of race before election day

Education: Boston University

So you think you know Howard and company well...?? Find out how well..

Where did Fred first meet his wife?
A)He met her at a "gig" in New York.
B)They acted together in a play.
C)She called in to play Dial a Date.
D)She was a friend of Gary's wife.

Where did Fred first meet his wife?
Howard is from where?
A)Staten Island.
C)New Jersey.
D)Long Island.

Angelica__________ is massaged by Howard in Private Parts. Fill in the blank.
A)Angelica Johnson.
B)Angelica Smith.
C)None of the above.
D)Angelica Houston.

Which member of the show admits to being uncircumcised?


Show Cast List

Howard Stern
No introduction necessary. King of all Media!
Robin Quivers
Howard's sidekick. Never stops laughing. Does the news every day for the show. Was celibate since New Years Day 1990 until breaking down and having sex with long time friend Tony in 1997! Watched a video tape to learn how to give oral sex to her boyfriend Tony. Has a book entitled Quivers, A Life which details her sexual abuse as a child.
Jackie ''The JokeMan'' Martling
Stand-up comic. He passes jokes to Howard throughout the show. Howard claims he uses about 95% of Jackie's suggestions. Jackie wears "finger cots" because he claims that paper irritates his fingers. He has questionable personal sanitary habits. He likes drinking and smoking pot. Is a shameless self-promoter (like Howard but tackier) in that he is always trying to get plugs for recordings of his stand-up show.
Fred Norris
Responsible for sound-effects and for keeping the show on schedule, with regard to commercials. He also does many impersonations, such as Kurt Waldheim, Jr. His marriage is on shaky grounds. He's considered strange, "From Mars" because he has anti-social tendencies. Changed his name, for some odd reason, to Eric in 1994 but didn't tell anyone on the show until 1996.
Gary ''Baba Booey'' Dell'Abate
Producer of The Howard Stern Show. He has giant teeth, bad breath and looks kinda like a monkey. His nickname ''Baba Booey'' originated back in 1989 or so. Gary is a collector of cartoon art cells. Back then he was telling Howard that he wanted to get one more cell that he'd been looking for... ''..a Quick Draw McGraw and a Baba Booey...''. What he didn't know was that the actual name that he meant to say was 'Baba Louie'. Howard and Robin picked up on this immediately and started goofing on him soon after. Over the years the Baba Booey phrase morphed in to other things such as Fafa Fooey and Fla Fla Flolie as Billy West played with the name. In August 1997 he revealed that he was molested as a child. He was bribed with candy 'treats' to whack a 17 year old off.
''Stuttering John'' Melendez
Former intern, now employee with greater responsibilities, such as assisting Gary with producing the show. He is usually the one that answers the phones and screens the calls. He became notorious because of his outrageous celebrity interviews, asking them extremely offensive questions while stuttering and stammering. Has a newborn daughter with his girlfriend. Came out with a self-titled album in 1994.
Scott ''The Engineer'' Salem
Engineer: "sad sack" of the show. Usually smokes like a fiend. Quit smoking in June of '97 but may be smoking again by the time you read this. He's also a bit overweight. Runs his own "Rocket Entertainment" DJ company.
Tom Chiusano
General Manager at K-Rock (WXRK), the station where Howard works out of. Tom has control over a 7 second delay button so that he can censor Howard at any time he sees fit. This ruins the show sometimes when Howard gets a little raunchy for Tom's taste. This all has something to do with keeping the FCC off of Howard's back. Tom is very good looking according to Howard and Robin. He likes to play golf and ruin Howard's show.
Steve ''Gorilla, Gunga Din'' Grillo
Was an intern for 6 years, still in college although he recently started getting paid doing his thing for the show. Gets Howard his lunch and makes sure it's exactly right. Makes money through his name association with the show, such as performing in off-off-off Broadway plays, and through personal appearances as "celebrity judge," etc. Smokes a lot of pot and is constantly made fun of because of his poor command of his native tongue, English.
Mike Gange
Former intern, now works for E! He holds the E! camera and is the off-camera voice who asks the guests those inane post-interview questions.
Billy West
Billy West was a voice man who worked on the show doing voices such as Marge Schott, Larry Fine, Jay Leno and even Jackie The JokeMan Martling. Some of the funniest radio bits on the Stern show included Billy West's voices. Billy is also the voices behind the cartoon characters Ren and Stimpy. If you listen to Stimpy you'll hear a lot of the Larry Fine character that Billy did on the Stern show. Billy left the show after failed contract negotiations with Infinity Broadcasting, Howard's employer, back in 1995. He's now doing voices for commercials and cartoons.
Captain Janks
Captain Janks is a guy who makes phony phone calls to shows such as Larry King Live, Rosie O'Donnell and other cable shows. He was the first listener to call the Larry King show and ask Larry's guests Howard Stern questions over and over again. He never gives up, even after getting fines for his hijinks. Also considered one of the Stern Show ''Whack Pack''
Elephant Boy
A guy with a major speech impediment who's been on the show for years. He can't get chicks so he goes on the show to get a better chance. Another one of the ''Whack Pack''. Revealed that he tried gay sex a couple of times when he was lonely.
Kenneth Keith Kallenbach
Kenneth can only be described as a real life Beavis and Butt-Head. Used to be on Howard's WWOR TV show. He says he can blow smoke out of his eye. Once stuck a firecracker in his pants and lit it. One of the funniest ''Whack Packers'' ever on the show.
Crackhead Bob
The first guy on line to buy Miss America in New York. Bob's name is actually George or Harvey, it's not clear. Bob had a stroke after smoking some crack and hasn't been normal since. Has a very bad speech impediment, bad is funny though.
"Melrose" Larry Green
While standing on the corner of Melrose and Vine in Los Angeles almost every morning with a sandwich board preaching the virtues of Howard Stern, Melrose Larry Green came to life. Melrose has traveled around the country with his signs being beaten, arrested and verbally abused while exclaiming "Baba Booey" to the world. Hated by most fans and Gary, Melrose endures due to Howard's fascination with him.
Dan Foreman
Ex-Producer of Howard's WWOR TV show. Howard is still friend with Dan even though they used to goof on him back in the WWOR days. Dan is now an evening news producer at WNBC in New York City.
Dominic Barbara
Also known as the ''bloated attorney'' because of his very large size... he's fat. Dominic is a semi-famous attorney who has defended people like Joey Buttafuoco and Jessica Hahn. Close enough friend of Howard's that he gets invited to Scores parties.
Ponce De LaPhone
Another phony phone caller who takes tapes of Howard's dad and uses them in his calls. An amazing talent I must say. Ponce doesn't like to come on the air to play his tapes, he sends them in for Howard to play.
Uzo rose to popularity during the release of Howard's first book, "Private Parts", for having fainted when she got to met her God at a New York book signing. Uzo weighs just 95 lb. and most of that is breast. She can often be found on Prodigy in the Howard Stern chat just about all day long.
Henry Hill
Ex-Mobster. The movie Good Fellas was based on Henry's life. Henry calls in drunk quite often and rambles on and on about wacky stuff. Henry was also on Howard's WWOR TV show.
Wood Yee
One of the engineers, Steve, from Howard's radio station who was chosen to do a Woody Allen voice in the little radio plays that they do. His delivery is horrible and his timing sucks but that's the funny part of it.
Ralph Cirella
Ralph used to be Howard's main hair stylist and clothing consultant. Eventually Howard got sick of the way Ralph did his hair so he got a new hair stylist. Ralph is hated by a lot of listeners for some reason. He's usually very annoying when he makes it on the air. He's still friends with Howard and makes rare (not rare enough) appearances on the show. He also does set design for the E! show. He took a lie detector test to see if he was gay or not.. he failed but says that he's not.
Chris Giglio King Of All Messengers
Chris was one of the first "Janks Imitators" to come on the scene. With his satellite dish, Messengers was able to get call-in TV shows that were in areas that Howard's show wasn't. This fact made his calls different and unique to people who were clueless about what was really going on.
Tempest caught Howard's attention when she sent in a color picture of herself to the show. Ever since then, she been a favorite to become Howard's new wife if Allison were to die unexpectedly. Tempest had many appearances on the Channel 9 show as a Snapple girl and was a big part of the book, "Private Parts".
Celeste is one of Howard's biggest and most enduring fans. She's been following the show since Howard's Washington, DC, days. Celeste got Howard's attention when she told him about having sex with a rival DJ. She also participated in the first mother/daughter dial-a-date and once showed up Howard's house on Halloween, causing him to move.
David Weinstein King Of All Song Parodies
This kook started calling into the show with his corny song parodies which resulted in Howard hanging up on him most times. Not to be thwarted, KOASPs kept trying new song parodies and getting on the air. Eventually he moved into the phony phone call forum and made some note worthy calls to K-Rock General Manager, Tom Chiusano, bloated attorney Dominic Barbara and King Of All Messengers.
Matt Harrison King Of Cable
This under-age phone prankster came to the Stern show with several outrageous phony phone calls including a call to the Black Entertainment Television network where he posed as Spike Lee. He once convinced Larry King to meet with him and pose for pictures. According to Captain Janks, King Of Cable is him 5 years ago.

Howard Stern Muted in Canada

by Joal Ryan March 26, 1998, 8:20 a.m. PT
Welcome to the abridged version of the Howard Stern Show. That's the deal in Toronto, where the polemic personality's radio show is being edited by as much as 20 minutes by under-fire station execs, Canada's Jam! Showbiz reports. CILQ-FM (code name: Q-107) has Stern on a digital leash--what the Private Parts star says from his New York studio each weekday morning doesn't reach Toronto listeners until several seconds have passed, giving engineers the chance to delete would-be offensive material. Time delays are routine in the radio biz, but Q-107 is extending the lag especially for Stern. Between February 23 and March 20, Q-107 hit the "mute" button 77 times during 17 shows, the station revealed in papers filed with a Canadian broadcast advisory board. The deletions ranged from a few words to 20-minute chunks, Jam! Showbiz says. The move to muzzle Stern comes as broadcast officials in the Great White North released a report Wednesday accusing the talk-show host of using "improper language"--among other transgressions. The Canadian Broadcast Standard Council ruled that Q-107 violated local code by airing Stern shows that contained allegedly racist comments slurring African Americans and Jews and sexist references about sharks eating women. The offending shows--four, in total--aired in December and January, before Q-107 got its new editing equipment. The council says it's pleased with the steps the station has since taken--"the first time...the broadcast of the Howard Stern Show has been modified in a significant way on an ongoing basis." Stern bowed in Canada on two stations--the second in Montreal--last September. The first few listener complaints were heard almost immediately after sign on. But overall, ratings have been big. A Stern spokesman could not be reached for comment Thursday.

By's GREAT to be Canadian


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