Odell's Weyr
You enter a large warm cave dug out of the rock. A massive golden dragon sits on a stone couch on in the middle of the floor. She grins a draconic smile at you. A voice inside your head says,
~~Welcome stranger, to my weyr. I rarely talk to anyone but my rider but I like you. I am golden Albiath my rider is Odell. My mate is the bronze Grendelth, this is my weyr. Grendleth's rider is P'ier who is weyrmate to Odell. I rose in a mating flight recently and Grendelth flew me once again. The eggs have been laid so we are now accepting candidates.
If you wish to adopt a firelizard go to the beach to see if there is a clutch(THERE IS). You can also go to see the watchweyrs,though I don't know why you'd spend time with those mean brutes. Please leave me and make your choice."