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Odell's Weyr

You enter a large warm cave dug out of the rock. A massive golden dragon sits on a stone couch on in the middle of the floor. She grins a draconic smile at you. A voice inside your head says,

~~Welcome stranger, to my weyr. I rarely talk to anyone but my rider but I like you. I am golden Albiath my rider is Odell. My mate is the bronze Grendelth, this is my weyr. Grendleth's rider is P'ier who is weyrmate to Odell. I rose in a mating flight recently and Grendelth flew me once again. The eggs have been laid so we are now accepting candidates. If you wish to adopt a firelizard go to the beach to see if there is a clutch(THERE IS). You can also go to see the watchweyrs,though I don't know why you'd spend time with those mean brutes. Please leave me and make your choice."

You notice a plaque on the wall.
You see that it announces a grand flit's presence in the weyr. You smile and see a notice under it saying that the flit has taken up residence in the weyr of C'let, rider of bronze Daspleth. You wonder where you can get the directions to the weyr then you remember the list of dragons and their riders. You smile then as you leave a small canine follows you out of the weyr
Look I now have my own dreambook. Please sign and tell me that you have visited and if the time was well spent. Comments good and bad are welcome
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Go to

My other Dragons and Firelizards
The Sands
The Firelizard Beach
The Watchweyr's Cave
Lists of Dragons and their riders
Contest Page
Breeding your dragons
Mini dragons
Club firelizards
Starry Cove Flits.
Cerulian Isle (a new minidrake adoption place)
