
Click on any of the pics below to bring up the full size picture! Hold the mouse over any picture to pop up a description of that picture!

This is just me with my hair bleached white < > < > I just really liked this pose so I put this on here. < > < > This is me and my baby my brand new Ibanez RG7420, pretty ain't she ; ) < > < > It's pretty self-explanatory. < > < >

Did you think this one would say something different? < > < > This is my favorite tummy shot of myself. < > < > Oh jeez, this is me back in my freshman year. I look so young... < > < > This was my graduation night and actually it was supposed to be my school colors: red, white, and black but they all ran together and turned hot pink, lucky me.  The little girl is my cousin Torie Montana Courtney. < > < >

Now this was back in the day of Passtime... How time really flies huh.  Me and dubes look like dorks... < > < > Don't I look sexy with red hair??? < > < > Now this has to be one of my goofiest pics I have. What was I thinking? < > < > This pic was made by a good friend of mine. Thanks so much It's one of my favorites. < > < >

I swear our president cracks me up.  I miss watching That's my Bush on comedy central. < > < > This is me and my friend Heather in my late dorm room.  I had an awesome room except for my dorky roomate... < > < > This was from the day Heather stole my camera and took a bunch of pics.  This is Heather's room and that is her roomate. I'm sorry I can't remember your name right now. < > < > This is Heather again with another friend of mine Kristen. < > < >

The only reason I put this up here was because I thought it was a good drawing of me. < > < > This is when keven decided to drive his car really fast on a country back road. Ouch! < > < > This car was definitely totalled when he got done with it. < > < > This bilboard cracks me up. I love it... < > < >

Now this is a little chunck of history that we stole from Woodstock 99 and brought back home.  Believe me that thing sucked tearing off the wall. and it took up like all the car space getting it back home. < > < > Now just to prove my wall really was from woodstock check out the very last board on the right and you'll see our naked chick bunny crowd surfing. < > < > Krohn is the greatest. I'm going to have to get ahold of you and get another one of your tapes.  Krohn is one of the best artist's I know... < > < > Oakstock was a blast man, wouldn't have missed it for the world... Did you miss it?  Haha I still have that banner, but shhh don't tell anyone that. < > < >

This is what I look like when I don't feel like doing anything to my hair, so I just toss on a hat. < > < > The Truth behind Pokemon! < > < > Here he is again my official mascot the Cabbit! < > < > It's timanobi, but where are his nipple rings??? Now that was back in the day. < > < >

Now did you actually believe this when you first saw it... Come on people you and your forwards. < > < > This is me and my great grandma after my High School Graduation in 2000. < > < > This is my sister Amanda and yes she is a total dork. Right now she's going to IWU up in Marion, IN and she's getting married this summer to Earl, but why did he have to die? hahah sorry couldn't resist... < > < > It's Fishy... Need I say more. < > < >

kenny looks like a goofball here. Hey is that my hat in the pic, I think it is. < > < > It's Porschka... Hey can I see your keychain???  ; ) < > < > This is Keven Howder on the last day of school our senior year.  That was his totalled camero in the other pics... < > < > This is my great friend Jessy. Hey tell your mom thanks for all the haircuts. < > < >

This is brandie on the last day of school. < > < > This is me and Keven eating in the great North Knox cafeteria on our last day of school. My hair looks like a porcupine there. < > < > I know your probably thinking what in the world, but it was festive and it was christmas. I only had my hair like that for about 2 wks anyway... < > < > Another pic of PassTime rocking out at Oakstock. < > < >

This is my gas powered remote control truck that I built myself and this is right after I put a paint job on the body... Now I know I suck at Art, but I think I did a pretty good job for never having done anything like that before. < > < > This is my old van before they impounded the sucker for not having a license.  This thing thumped so loud that day it was great. < > < > I won first place in my division that day because I was the only one in my division with that many speakers and amps. < > < > Ahhh but alas the days of the van are gone to be nevermore.  It was a loud 4 days that I had those speakers in there though. < > < >

This is one of my great friends Chimey, Isn't she so cute? < > < > You know what it means, haha oh no lamped again. < > < > This is an Angry Monkey!  Wait, That's my hat... < > < > Monkey in my Hat. I don't understand it he throws me out of his car and steals my hat. < > < >

This is Keven again and his brother Kenny. < > < > Kenny and beer. < > < > Keven in a cool looking pic! < > < > Monkey, He is the pumpkin king! < > < >

Shayne just Chillin! < > < > It's Tho but where's his moped? < > < > It's Tim and he has a mustache. < > < > My brand new piercing design 9 barbells in all, and if you can't tell it's my crossed Z. < > < > This is my New Band Verloren < > < >

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