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. The Little Tree's page of Stories .
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This page was last updated on October 4, 2006. Well, this isn't really an update. I just realized how very long it's been since I've done anything to my page, and I guess I just wanted to let people know that...well, I suppose I've kind of drifted away from fanfiction writing (if not most writing altogether!) Life kind of got in the way for awhile. I apologize to anyone who's still surfing in! I hope to get this page ship-shape at some point, but it might not be for a little while yet. If anyone's been wondering about my own fics, some of which are currently un-updated here, you can find the rest at my account at Fanfiction.net, under my moniker 'thelittletree'. Yup. That's all I've got to say right now. Take care!

Update for February 3: Remember when I said I might soon be adding another fic, not written by me? Of course you do, it's right there in my last update! Well, it's happened. I've updated my Hosted Fanfiction section with a new story called In Victory and Death, written by a creative and budding author named Brad C (read his stuff and send encouraging emails!) Yup. And that's all I have to say. Now, go read!

About Me

NEW VERSION OF Does Fate Allow a Second Chance?
(Check it out, I rewrote the thing!)

The Fanfiction
Old version of Does Fate Allow..., my other fics, and my hosted fanfiction.

Other Stories (and Poems)


Photo Album

Photo Album 2!

Please send me your stories!!!

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My counter died. So I had to start ALL over again. *Sigh*

Aww...a rose for me?