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Interdimensional and Time Travel, Inc.

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Welcome to Interdimensional and Time Travel, Inc.! The place where YOU choose where you want to go, and we give you the tools to get there!
Who hasn't wanted to sometime travel back in time, visit places and meet people that exist now only in history books? I know I have. And though in real life it still isn't possible, it is possible virtually, here. "How can you do that?" you might be asking. Well you can through what is known as a Role Playing Game--an RPG. You can become a person in that time period, whether real or made up, yourself, or a fictional character, and make them have experiences common to that time period.
Before you begin playing, please read the rules . Anyone not complying with them will have their posts deleted from the messageboards.
The page is still heavily under construction (and I'm still learning HTML), so bear with me--soon I hope to allow you to step back in time, without leaving your computers.

Choose Your Destination:

About Me!.
Happy Travelling!

Visit Interdimensional and Time Travel's Partner Site: From Belfast into History

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