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The Friends of UNITE 1764 solidarity page

This site was last updated on March 19th, 1999

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Support the sisters of UNITE Local 1764 in their fight for justice.


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Local 1764 Member Janet Haley (left) and local President Judy Morin have braved all kinds of weather in their battle with J.B. Fields.

"WE'RE fighting for justice, equality and respect," says Stacy Rousseau, former President of UNITE Local 1764. Members of this local at J.B. Fields Inc., in Trenton, have been on strike since March 23, 1998.

Last year the company claimed bankruptcy protection, then turned around and started production back up with the same workers. This "bankruptcy" was used to impose takebacks in wages, benefits and working conditions. But they still want more.

"Our fight isn't about money," Rousseau says. We're fighting for basic union principles." The company's "final offer" would gut the collective agreement of key provisions dealing with seniority, union representation and job security. They've demanded the right to fire any employee simply for failing to meet production quotas - quotas which management would set arbitrarily and unilaterally, with no grievance procedure as a safeguard.

Since the strike started the company has continued to operate using scabs - now legal in Ontario as a result of the Mike Harris government. But picketers have shown courage on the line everyday and show no sign of backing down. For information on how to help the members of Local 1764 consult our list on the updates page. To contact the local send us an e-mail and we'll forward a copy to the women on the line.

Check out:

Scabs guilty in attack on strikers.

Other scabs found guilty of theft and uttering threats.

The Friends of UNITE 1764: who we are.

The UNITE 1764 pamphlet from the picket line -- a good introduction to the basic issues.

Updates on international support (includes how YOU can help).

Upcoming events in support of the sisters of UNITE 1764

More amazing support from Regina. Daily pickets return to Eaton's in March...

A concerned customer writes a letter to Eaton's.

Cowardly act of vandalism targets strikers.

Media reports and accounts.

Statements in support of the sisters of UNITE 1764. (New ones March 19th)

Information on the boycott of J. B. Field's socks and their retailers.

Petition calling on Mountain Equipment Co-op to stop selling JB Field socks and live up to their decent-sounding Sourcing Policy.

Letters to Mountain Equipment Co-op: stop selling JB Fields socks!! (New ones added Mar.19th)

A "Dialogue" with Mountain Equipment Co-op: MEC Keeps Trying to Avoid Responsibility.

Templates for letters and leaflets you can download and use in your area.

"Letter" from a SCAB. And Replies... New one added Mar.19th!

Our links. If you want to exchange links, please e-mail us.


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Local 1764 members electrified New Democrats with an appearance at the Ontario NDP's Convention on May 21.  Over $11,000 was raised for the strike.