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How many WIRELINGS does it take to change a lightbulb?-answer at end of page

Special thanks go out to Martin Stieglmayer for his help with the webring html code.
Alrighty, down to the good stuff...

This is the WIRELING Webring. The first and foremost requirement to join is you MUST be a Wireling, or a subscriber to U2's internet mailing list. If you are not, there's a link below and I encourage you to join NOW. Especially if you want to submit your site anywho, cos if you're not a wireling, I'll be pretty cowed off! ;-) Aside from being a wireling, you're site has to be nice, no 'I Hate U2' site will be allowed... or appreciated! No nudity, pornography, anti- ( insert anything) I deem okay here. Don't worry, I won't say no cos you don't like chocolate cake or something. I'm thinking of Nazi pages, KKK pages, you know the likes of which I'm speaking...). I also reserve the right (pay attention here folks!) to deny your site or remove it from the webring without any explanation or notice. (But hey, I'm a nice person. If you e-mail me civilly, I'll probablly tell you why you got kicked out. But, I'm hoping I won't have to kick *anybody* out!! Behave yourselves!!!) Okay, I think that about covers it. If you have questions, ANY questions at all (aside from what colour socks I was wearing when I wrote this and other stupid stuff like that! No, seriously, there are no stupid questions. Except for sock question...), e-mail me. I like e-mail. I promise, I won't bite yer head off. Unless I haven't been fed today... >:-} There's an e-mail link at the very bottom.

Now, listen real careful like here, it gets kinda complicated! T O JOIN: fill out the form below, and send it. Do I need to repeat?? Good. I will review your site and let ya know. If you don't hear anything after a few weeks, email me (look at the bottom of the page). Sometimes I just forget.

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1 to change the bulb,
12 to speculate what kind of bulbs the band members would use,
16 to relate interesting experiences they had with light-bulbs at Popmart,
3 to say that their experiences with light-bulbs were much better on the ZooTV tour,
1 to write "Mysterious Bulbs",
101 to write their own light-bulb songs,
3 to archive the light-bulb songs at their web-sites,
17 to say that the light-bulb thread is a waste of time,
6 to say that there's nothing wrong with having a sense of humor about light-bulbs,
2 to say they're glad that Puff Daddy isn't changing the bulb,
35 to advertise their bootleg of the light-bulb being replaced,
13 to give URL's of their pictures of the light-bulb,
14 to say how they really preferred the old light-bulb
25 to say that it's important that the bulb changes
7 to say how much they're looking forward to the next lightbulb
18 to request information on the next lightbulb
1 to say that he/she has been on holiday and is wondering what's going on with the light-b