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November Updates

11/30 - I added two links to the Links Section, so check them out. I also changed the format of that section so that the alignment isn't all screwy. Well, we have lost a staff member. Yes, it is quite unfortunate, however it was probably for the best. Bummer...

11/29 - Poo - 58... Jeff - 54... Ness - 14...... No, these are not the latest scores from a Perfect Dark match (I wish), these are total updates everyone has done. What's even worse is the fact that those 14 updates include the infamous "Scarlet Pimpernel" update and a couple saying that Ness has died. Well, he has finally died for good. Although some of mine could be condensed into one update (ex: my fluke-mania), it still does not account for the hundreds of hours that Jeff and I have devoted to this site. With the tables project completed with the help of Jeff, I am already looking forward to starting the newest project, one that will take away most images to provide a faster loading interface for our many visitors. I feel that seeing our little Angelfire site holding its own in the RPG 100 is gratifying enough, and because of this and many other examples (our banner exchange has already attracted more visitors than half of our previous banner exchange), I will continue to work on this site as much as I can. Lost interest in doing anything on a web page? But you didn't do anything...

11/28 - Bet all you regulars out there are suprised to see ME making an update. Well, its not really an update more than it is a resignation. I decided to give up my position as a "guys that works sometimes, but never" on this site. The reason I decided to quit is that I lost interest in doing anything on a web page. It just stopped being fun. Writing reviews and updating started to feel less like fun and a hobby, and more like work that I was being forced to do. It got so bad at one point that when Jeff asked me to do something, I would groan and then bargain my way out of it. I don't think that's really the kind of person you want working on a site. So considering those factors I have decided just to play my RPGs and enjoy them on my own. As Jeff said last week, I do now own Final Fantasy IX. Its a great game and I urge all of you out there to at the very least, rent it and play as much as you can of it, and maybe even buy it. So, I wish the remaining EB crew good luck with the site, and for all you RPGers out there, remember that "If you never played these games, then you haven't lived!!"Well, bye....

11/21 - I added one link today...and man am I exhausted. Whoo. Well I also "invented" a scanner, so I will probably have more original artwork posted. I was so happy I started drawing like crazy! However, I picked a hard pic to draw, one of Harlequin from Chrono Cross, and so my pic looks more like "Harlecrap." I won't post this drawing, for my sake as well as everyone else's. Some other news is that the Chrono Cross page will probably not be added to the site. This is because it really is a hassle to add a link for it to all the pages, and we don't even have really anything to post, except my review. Some other news is that Final Fantasy 9 was released a few days ago, and I will get it by the first of December. Ness already owns the game and from what I've seen, it looks really cool. That might be added to the site, so we'll have to see. Oh yeah I added a rumor to the Cool Junk section (mine) and changed the main page's links by adding the Table of Contents link and the Cool Junk link. I removed the Webrings link and the Info. link because those pages aren't as important as the ones I just added. That's all for today. Harlecrap.....that's pretty funny.

11/18 - Alright! Finished updating all the old Updates pages (March, April, May) to the new tables, which I would have finished yesturday but AOL logged me off for being inactive. Also, I have found a place to put a few of the e-mails people have been sending me, and have created a new page called "Cool Junk" where I put my useless little discoveries about Windows 98 and also some odd rumors for Zelda 64. Oh, and going completely off the subject, I feel really sorry for those people who have visited our site in a Monochrome Color Palette. We're #36 on the Top 100!

11/11 - Hey, Paula's pic of Link is finished! Check it out here. Also, I added and Alotta Earthbound Junk to the Links page. We're #45 on the Top 100!

11/10 - I did many little things today. First I corrected a few mistakes made by Poo on my Personal Page which was caused by the addition of the tables. I also added two links to the Table of Contents page, which were for the Message Board and Links section. Speaking of the Links section, I have felt that it is my duty to take it over since it wasn't going anywhere. I have added two links and rated them, and hopefully the link to this site will be added on those pages. Two people signed the guestbook recently! Yay!

11/9 - Hmmm... what a waste of time that Top 100 thing was. The day I joined seems to be the day they reset the accounts... so I had to re-join today. O well. Also, it seems the RPG Banner Exchange (which has led more than 80 people to our site) also has reset, so I had to re-join that too. But it's ok. I'm not bitter. What good timing I have...

11/8 - Hey, guess what! The Tables Project is completed! All pages, with the help of Jeff, have been upgraded to the new Tables format! It's been a long time coming, but it's finally done. Whew. The Tables Project is DONE!!!

11/8 - I added even more tables to pages today. I'm too exhausted from the work today to set up links, but I added tables to the review pages for FF7, FF8, SMRPG, CT, and Zelda: OoT. I also added tables for the SMRPG music page. Now all that's left is 3 monthly updates pages, the Webrings page, and the Staff pages. Hopefully I will get those pages done soon. The name's Andonuts. Jeff, Andonuts.

11/7 - One more thing before I sign off: Cyan683 (links maintainer of has added our site to his new links page! More hits for us! Woohoo! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

11/7 - Well, I've added us into the RPG Gateway's Top 100, so please vote for us and give us even more reasons to update! A person from Lithuainia visited our site? Check it out on our stats...

11/7 - Today I recreated the Earthbound Maps section which was mysteriously wiped out when Poo was adding the tables to the site. Speaking of tables, I have started my work on adding them to the rest of our pages, which is a long, tedious job. I will have to delete the pages without tables and copy and paste that page to a new one which has a different type of page editor (from basic to advanced). Well, I tried that for Earthbound Reviews, and I finally got it to work after having to make certain changes to the html. I also deleted the old Paula's Earthbound review since we have a newer Paula. I will continue my grueling work in hopes that our site visitors will appreciate what Poo and I have done. You can send your long, extensive emails here about how Poo and I are the masters of the universe. *Cough*. In other news, I have heard the beginning of the MIDI, "Eyes on Me" about 50 times now because of the attempts to fix the tables. Needless to say, I'm feeling very........niiiiice.... Hmm...what to put here....?

11/4 - Yay, I'm the first to update in November! Now, as you all know, the new Stats4All counters show me lots of detailed info about what pages you visitors... visit the most. Well, it turns out that Zelda is the most popular now, so I have added a handful of Zelda Artwork and Screenshots. Also I got Paula to begin a drawing of Link (I gave her a Skip Sandwich and she started drawing like crazy...). Check them out, especially that "cool" Triforce picture. Yay, there's more than just reviews for Zelda!!


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