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Roxton, Malone and Challenger are hunting when Challenger finds something that interests him. He goes off and Roxton and Malone follow him when they hear a woman's scream. Challenger is the first to reach its source, a woman being attacked by a raptor. Challenger begins to attack the raptor but he's injured. Roxton and Malone come and begin to shoot the raptor as other women appear. One throws a ax at the raptor killing it. Challenger was seriously hurt, as was the woman they were trying to help. One of the woman, Hippolita invites the men to their village as its close by, the men accept the invitation. The group are greeted by their queen, Selina who welcome the men to their village. Selina has Challenger taken to her quaters and will tend to him personally. Malone isn't too comfrontable at the village and realizes that there are no men in the village. He thinks that this village of woman are connected to the legends of Amazons he learnt back home. Malone raises his concerns to Challenger and Roxton, but Selina assures them that they celebrate life, not take it. Selina informs them that they attend celebrations where the woman mingle with men and children sometime results. Malone is curious about what they do with the male babies, and Selina tells him that they are raised by their fathers.

Back at the treehouse Veronica convinces Marguerite that they should be worried about the men because they're a day late. She believes that they should go looking for them. Marguerite reluctantly agreed and the two go off to search for them. During their search they find shell casing, the dead raptor and a knife dropped by one of the Amazons. Veronica cautions Marguerite to be quiet that they're in cannibal country and that they "have to find the men now!". However its too late and they are attacked by cannibals, they flee but are surrounded. To save them, Veronica pulls out the amazon knife and the cannibals flee.

Meanwhile as the Amazon village prepares for a celebration,Hippolita and Roxton have a sword fight as they flirt. Malone and Challenger continue talking about Malone's fears. Selina assures Malone again that he can leave if he wants to, but reminds him he would have to go alone through cannibal country. Malone agrees to wait another day. When Malone leaves Selina chamber he's chased by the twins, Thea and Pheobe. While Ned is hiding from them he hears yelling and goes to investigate. He finds a dungeon full of shabby looking men. Then men beg him to free them and warn him to get away from the "she-devils" or that he would be fed to the cannibals too. Some of the amazons, including Hippolita come and take him to Selina. Hippolita and Selina explain to Malone, Roxton and Challenger that the men that Malone found are prisoners taken in battle. They explain that they use them in fields and trade them for members of their village who have been taken prisoner. After Selina and Hippolita leave, Roxton informs Malone that his not going to let his values stop him from having a good time. Malone responds by telling him that he is not being a prude. That in fact there are species in nature that kill their mates after mating. Challneger warns them that should stay alert either way as the twins come to take them to the celebration.

Marguerite and Veronica are heading towards the Amazon village. Veronica explains to Marguerite that the Amazons mate with men and then trade them to the cannibals for supplies. The cannibals ran when they saw the knife because they thought they were Amazons. Marguerite asks her how she know this and Veronica explains that the Amazons helped her out when she was younger. She left when they wanted her to join the tribe. When they arrive at the village they are greeted by Hippolita who they inform that they want to join the tribe. Hippolita tells them to follow her, and they are taken to Selina. She welcomes them and tells them once they are intiated into the tribe they are welcomed to a man. Then men are surprised to see the women who are dressed up in Amazon clothes. The intiation ceremony involves Marguerite and Veronica fighting some Amazons to prove that they are warriors. Veronica fights the twins while Marguerite fights Hippolita. Selina stops the fight and tells Marguerite and Veronica that they acter bravely and are now members of the tribe but they will have to wait until next year to pick a man. Hippolita chooses Roxton, the twins choose Malone and Selina chooses Challenger, while Marguerite and Veronica are left to clean the kitchen.

Marguerite has had enough of cleaning while the men are busy having fun. She tells Veronica to grab a pan and follow her. They run into a couple of other Amazons and knock them out. Meanwhile Roxton has tied Hippolita up and she's strangling him with her thighs. Marguerite comes in and covers Hippolita face with a pillow until she passes out. Veronica then interrupts Malone and the twins and the two then gag and tie up the twins. Marguerte and Roxton bump into Veronica and Malone and agree that they'll need a major diversion to get Challenger out of Selina's heavily guarded room. The diversion they decide upon is to release the prisioners. When they reach Selina's room, they find that Selina has a knife to Challenger's throat. The next morning the group is lead out into the main square where they're tied to wooden stakes. Challenger tries to change Selina's mind but she tells him that the men they released will just come back and attack the village. Just as she gives the order to burn, the village is attacked. A flamed arrow hits Roxton's bonds which allows him to break them. The amazons are trying to fight back and defend thier village but they are being overwhelmed and Hippolita is hit by an arrow. The after a small arugment agree to help the Amaons fight as the Amazons fall back farther into the village. Challenger says someone has to stop this and runs off as Thea is killed, he returns his their guns and fires one, stopping the fighting as the men run off. The group then returns to the treehouse.

Click to hear the following sound files:

Challenger probably has them chasing after a disgusting insect with 114 legs

You say that like its a bad thing Malone

And we've all know what a big succes that has been

Veronica: We have to find teh men right now

Marguerite: Isn't it Malone's turn to do maintenance?
Veronica: I'm tired of waiting
Marguerite:No, No No, don't fall into that trap, as soon as there's a dirty job to be done, the men magically disappear

Memorable Quotes

Selina: If you are typical of the men of your tribe, I'm sure your women must be very satisfied.

Roxton: I think a man would be a fool not to relax and enjoy the scenery

Marguerite(being chased by cannibals): Maybe they're not hungry, maybe they just want to talk
Veronica: You want to stop and ask?
Marguerite (shakes head and shoots): No, just trying to be optimistic
Veroncia: That's a change

Hippolita: What type of warrior are you?
Marguerite: Well armed and extremely dangerous

Roxton: What kept you?
Marguerite: I wasn't sure you wanted me to interrup
Roxton: She just about broke my kneck!
Marguerite: Aww...I had no idea you went into this sort of thing John.
Roxton: A complete ruse, play acting to gain the advantage.
Marguerite: And they say the best acting comes from life.

Roxton: Do we?
Marguerite: What?
Roxton: Have to try
Marguerite: Of course. We need each a cat needs a ball of string
