Gundam Wing Angst & Supernatural
About You (by ZerosAshes, PG-13- Poetry/Angst) - A poem in Trowa's POV, rather bitter sweet, about Heero. Just PG-13 because some people can't handle strong emotions or mention of suicide, if you are under 13 and can handle it, this should be fine.
Broken Dreams and Shattered Souls (by Landlady of the Universe, R- Romance/Angst) - No more missions mean no more use for the Gundam Pilots. Is there anything left for one lone soldier to live for?
Dear Duo... (by Friezaess, G- Angst/General) - Just something I typed up one night *looks at the time* eh, morning. A letter to Duo. This is one for all you fangirls! Please review!
Failure of Vision (by Rzrblade33, R- Angst) - A twisted game of corruptions and complications. DxR, Dorothy POV *complete*
The Forsworn (by Sita Seraph, R- Angst/Drama) - A rejection so powerful in the eyes of a soldier, that he willingly takes his life. Unknownily, as he cowers in his own mind, the suicide was unsuccessful. This will be Heero's last chance. Yaoi. 1x2
If Only (by Khavi, R- Angst/Romance) - A challenge fic. Why Quatre and Trowa can never be togeather. Why has no one notaiced this lil detail besides me? *sob* rated R for death and Yaoi/Shounen ai. Please R&R.
Obsidian Night (by HellFire, R- Horror/Angst) - Quatre remembers his morbid past...MAJOR Quatre torture, blood, OOC, pt 2 has slight shounen ai but it's not reciprocated, death, madness, stuff like that. Complete
Odd Rail... (by kc-chan, PG-13- Angst/Poetry) - poem with and reflections by Wufei...
Silent Screams (by HellFire, PG-13- Horror/Angst) - Duo's got some major problems with pain, pain no Tylenol will help... Death fic! Duo torture within! Switching POV's. Complete
Trilogy (by NemKess, R- General/Angst) - Warnings: Disturbing subject
matter. Cathy and Trowa are in love, but something from their past tears them
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