Serena Rhymes
The girl with many skills
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Welcome. Here are some things about me!
I am 16, my birthday is Aug. 8th, & I'm a Junior. I live in Minnesota, & I enjoy riding my bike, learning to irish dance (I've been Ceili dancing for almost 2 years now), practicing a few of the instruments I know how to play (violin, flute), reading some things (such as the bible), & using webtv. I've been playing the violin for 7 yrs, taught myself to play flute over a year and a half ago, mainly taught myself to play guitar the first semester of freshman year (but ive forgoten how to play most of it by now), & I also know how to play cello, viola, bass, & recorder (if the recorder counts). You will most likely find me in any of the ridiculist rooms, or Jesus Cafe rooms while I'm chatting in Talk City, but I also like to roam once in a while. I've also been a christian since I was 8. BTW, I'm a BIG Yanni fan & all of the pictures I have on this site so far are not of me, they are pics of Yanni, lol. (Bet you figured that one out already!) I'm also a fan of Xena and Hercules. I've probably seen all of the shows by now... well... maybe not all the new ones, but oh well lol. Well, thats about all you need to know about me for now, so take care!
p.s. Want more info? Have any questions for me? Mail me at the address above!
To listen to various music, click here!
(let the whole page load BEFORE clicking on music)
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