Esta Terblanche/Gillian Andrassy Lavery

(Princess Gillian Andrassy-Lavery on the ABC Television Network's All My Children)

ESTA TERBLANCHE joined the cast of All My Children this past August as Gillian Andrassy, a sexy and sophisticated woman with European flair who is the cousin of Dimitri Marick.

Born and raised in South Africa, Terblanche starred in her country's number-one soap opera, Egoli -- Place of Gold. Her theater credits include The Glass Menagerie, Pygmalion, Hear Ye, Hear Ye and Ten Times Worse on Friday. She also starred in the South African film, Three Thieves and a Wedding, and was crowned the 1991 Miss Teen South Africa.

Terblanche trained at the School for Art, Ballet and Drama and the Academy for Drama and Arts. She speaks numerous languages, including French, Italian, and Russian.

During her spare time, Terblanche likes to swim, dance and horseback ride. She recently relocated to New York and lives in Manhattan.


HOMETOWN: Rusterburg, South Africa

BIRTHDATE: January 7

HEIGHT: 5'7"

HAIR: Chestnut

EYES: Brown

GILLIAN ANDRASSY-LAVERY arrived in Pine Valley in 1997 and moved into Wildwind with her cousin Dimitri. Gillian was part of European royalty, but her family fortune no longer existed. When Gillian learned that Scott Chandler would soon be getting access to his trust fund, she set her sights marrying him. Liza wanted to save Scott from marrying Gillian just to keep her from being deported and she convinced the newly arrived Ryan Lavery that Gillian was loaded. Gillian was under the false impression that Ryan had money of his own and they got married in the blink of an eye! Both Ryan and Gillian, however, were shocked to learn that neither of them had any money. Ryan and Gillian moved into Wildwind and did their best to avoid each other while keeping up the appearance of being married in front of the immigration department, who had placed them on a one year probation. Ryan and Gillian did have feelings for each other, but both were too stubborn and proud to admit it.

Gillian found herself entering into an affair with David Hayward. Ryan realized that he really did love Gillian. After learning that he and Gillian were no longer under investigation by the Immigration Department, Ryan went to share the good news with Gillian and planned on telling her how he really felt about her. Ryan was then devastated when he found Gillian in bed with David. Ryan covered his hurt and told Gillian that were free to get a divorce. Gillian, however, made it clear that she was going to fight for Ryan and wanted to have a real marriage with him. Gillian continued to try and reconcile with Ryan, but he wanted nothing to do with her. When Kit accused Ryan of rape in November of 1998, however, Gillian became Ryan's biggest supporter and refused to believe that he had attacked Kit.

Gillain went on the run with Ryan in early 1999 when he was arrested at the Crystal Ball for raping Kit. Gillian and Ryan needed money and Gillian did the unthinkable. Without telling Ryan, Gillian turned to David for help and David took great delight in telling Ryan that Gillian had slept with him for the bail money and had offered to do it again this time. Ryan was furious at Gillian and wanted nothing more to do with her. After being arrested, Ryan was hospitalized with pneumonia. Gillian stayed by Ryan's side and vowed that she would make him love her again.

Gillian continued to support Ryan throughout his ordeal and was beside herself with joy when Ryan's name was cleared. Gillian hoped to reconcile with Ryan, but he said she was better off without him even though he still had very strong and genuine feelings for her. They are currently divorced.


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