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HIV: Cause or Effect?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

From the onset, in early 1980s, research into the aethiology and possible preventive and curative measures of AIDS (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom) split into two main lines of approach:

  1. Viral causation of AID
  2. Refutation of viral causation and search for other primary aethiological factors.

Time has given credence to the second approach:


  1. Coulter, Harris, L.,
    "AIDS And Syphilis: The Hidden Link"
    2nd Enlarged Edition. New Delhi,B.Jain Pub., 1990.

  2. Duesberg, Peter,
    "HIV Is Not the Cause of AIDS"
    Science 241:514(1988)

  3. The African Aids Epidemic: New and Contagious -or- Old Under a New Name? (panel 6-22-2000)
    Also J. Biosci. 28: 383-412.

  4. Visit Dr. Duesberg's Web Site, and click on "papers" in the Site Map. You will find many ineteresting and beneficial articles:

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