Adults / Older puppies

Adults and older puppies are sometimes available for a variety of reasons. They may be rescues, may not have turned out how we hoped or are retiring from our breeding program. We will usually list a dog if it has become available. However if you'd like to inquire about possible future placements, please don't hesitate to send us an email.


No dogs available at this time.



Foster Dogs

Occasionally we may have quality adult dogs available for fostering with special families.  These dogs will live with their foster families for most of the time, returning to us for either a litter or when stud service is required of them.  Having a litter would mean the female would be with us for approximately seven weeks to deliver and raise the puppies in our home.  Geographically it is necessary for these families to reside within close proximity to our home.  Upon retiring from our breeding program these dogs will be spayed or neutered.


No fosters available at this time.