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Collages and Bricolages



Collages and Bricolages is a forum for literature, i.e, fiction, poetry, short drama, essays, reviews and art. C&B has published outstanding authors such as Cherokee-Appalachian poet and essayist Marilou Awiakta; novelist from Cameroon Francis Bebey; New York theater critic and avant-garde specialist Rosette Lamont; absurdist Boris Vian and many others from places like Argentina, Braziil, Cuba, France, Japan, Malta, Nigeria, Russia and of course the US. If you glance through the pages of our journal, it might give you, as it has others, the impression of innovation, provocation, eclecticism, and hopefully, high quality.

You should know that behind each editorial selection is the conviction that history, far from being static, is constantly in motion revision, renewal, and the literature, like the rest of the arts, is one of the great imprints of history. Such imprints might not tell you, like news, precise facts; but they do more; they reach at a truth unreachable by news. And despite the present lack of mainstream respect for poetry and literature at large, for the arts at large, we believe here that what literary journals like C&B do is just as important as CNN. Perhaps more. In the news, you don't find a soul. Not anymore. In the arts, you do. It's time in this fin-de-siecle and last breath of a millennium to claim them not as cultural luxuries, but as indispensable companions.

Says Head of the Press Section Evan Kaiserova at the Office of President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic:"Collages & Bricolages is quite impressive. It illustrates a thoughtful and dynamic approach to not only literature, but current problems gripping society. The mixture of drama, prose, interviews, poetry and editorials illuminates the human side of the problems addressed."

Current copies of Collages & Bricolages are $10.00 and available at and

Also available are Collages & Bricolages #10 (BECKETT/IONESCO & METAPHYSICAL FARCE), 11 (AVANT-GARDE) & 12 (RACIAL & CULTURAL TENSIONS) for only $5.00/copy. These issues must be ordered directly from C&B. Checks and money orders only, please.

If you want a copy of the journal or want to submit a piece of writing, click below to email the editor or write them in postal mail.


Collages & Bricolages
P.O. Box 360
Shippenville, PA 16254 U.S.A.

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Last site update: 31 March 2000

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