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Hey everyone! you can see from my little profile above, I'm a Caribbean woman, and this works to my advantage sometimes :o) Fellow people from the Caribbean, I know you know what I'm talking about(the accent, people). I recently completed my junior year at Howard University (the Capstone, the Mecca.)

Anybody who knows me knows that the loves of my life are JOHN, music, basketball and writing, in no particular order. I don't ball...I'm more of a spectator and an analyst and I know more about the sport than a lot of people who play every day.

I am a really laid back, down-to-Earth person, but I'm a very straight-forward person, too, so "don't start no S@#$, won't be no S@#$. lol. I'm just playing. But on the real, I don't dress things up...If I have something to say, I say it.

Anyway, thanks for visiting and please sign the guestbook and the slambook to show me some love.

Just so you know, since most people don't take the time to look, there are a LOT more pictures of me if you scroll down the page and click on the link that says "pix". Better yet, I'll make it easy for you. Click here for more pics. Holla back! :o)~

P.S. me a favor. PLEASE don't call me "boo" or "sweetheart" or "baby" or any other pet names for that matter, if we aren't cool like that. There's only one person on this Earth who has that right, and he knows who he is. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Thanks.

Read my Dreambook!
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Member of USA HyperBanner

Today's Date:

get this gear!


Angelfire - My gracious hosts
Black Planet - OUR place on the net
My Black Planet page
College Club
My Boy Richard's site
Virgin Islands Carnival! - My employer
Source Magazine
Howard University - AW, HU!
Los Angeles Lakers a.k.a. The Best Team in the League
