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Height: 5'11"

Weight: 149 lbs.

Hometown: Vector

Skill: Magic

Treasure: Tons of Magicite

Likes: Power and destruction

Hates: Everything and everyone

Quote: "What good is destruction if no innocent lives are lost?"

Weaknesses: Low HP (easy to kill).

History: Kefka was the first experimental Magitek Knight infused with magic at the cost of an Esper. At the time, the technique was not perfected, and so something went wrong. Something in him snapped. He bacame a raginf lunatic, poisoning Doma, attacking all innocent people, and even destroying the Emperor and his empire. When he moved all the three statues, he unbalanced the world and took over from his own tower. He then drained all of the statues power, making him the most feared lunatic there is.