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Age: Unknown

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 145 lbs.

Birthday: Unknown

Hometown: Thamasa

Skill: Throw

Treasure: Watch with a portrait

Hates: Dreams

Quote: "The reaper is always just a step behind me..."

Low HP Attack: Shadow Fang

Uses: His Throw's can be very deadly, as he can throw any weapon in the game. And his dog is always there to protect him from some enemy attacks, and attacking back.

Weaknesses: In most places in the world of Balance, he will just leave after a fight as he pleases. To get around this problem, jsut save after every battle.

History: Clyde Arrowny used to be a criminal. Along with his partner Barram, they stole from a train. When they were escaping, Baram got injured. His sole request was so that Clyde would kill him, thus escaping torture from the Emperor. Clyde was too cowardly, os he refused and just ran off. He found himself in Thamasa, where he befriended a dog, and met a woman. The woman gave birth to a little girl, whom they named Relm. About a year after, Clyde left on his own, telling his dog, Interceptor, to stay with the girl in Thamasa, to live in a peaceful world. But, Interceptor refused and went with him. Clyde then killed his emotions, and taking the identity of Shadow.