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A female voice


What's up - #1

Sometimes you find a song on an album that really gives you a reason why you bought the record. I bought Tracy Bonham latest 'Down here' for a price that are less than 4$ (39 SEK). When I started to listen to the record there was one song that really did catch my attention 'Fake it'. It really are very good female rock song before I bought this album I had no idea what Tracy Bonham is capable of. It's just a pity that the rest of the songs don't are as good as 'Fake it'. Still sometimes you get one very good song on an album and this makes the rest loose some of its quality because you judge them against the best song. I will keep listing to Tracy Bonham's album maybe there are more songs that will catch my attention as I get more familiar the album

An album that I bought last year was the debut album 'Stories untold' with the Swedish female singer Monica Starck. I remember that press mentioned her together with some other female singers like Jessica Einarssson and Åsa Schmalenbach back in 1999. There was talk about a wave of a Swedish female singer/songwriter wave, but when I look at Monica Starck's album the most of songs not written by her. Sure there are song that she has written her self and together with other people. Still her debut album has many very good songs on it. My favourite is the first song called 'The trouble with Ben' that she has co-written with Ali Thomson.

What's up #2
