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by David Bowers-"Dead Butterfly"

I dream in simple colors in my bedroom every night

I dream of little Angels passing by my dreaming sight

They whisper words of Wisdom so comforting to me

They give me simple visions of how perfect life can be

If we only take the Angel's into our lonely hearts

And know they do exist

If we take their Wisdom and act upon their Wish


When I have a question of how to proceed upon my trail

They stop and tell me stories of how best to set my sail

They tell me of the pitfalls of the wrong and woeful path

They guide me in my Journey to the state of Bliss and Peace

They help to keep the state of Love flowing in my veins

They give me positive insight into things

That seem so totally insane


Who are we to think we were made so special and so few

That Angels don't exist to guard and watch over all that's true

Who are we to think we walk alone upon the land

That nothing watches over us or gives a helping hand

Who are we to think the Creator of this World

Made only one state of reality to let life unfurl it's delicate wings

Why do we consider ourselves so unique

And so special to be the only truth


I can feel the Angel's warmth and Love

When sleeping through the night

I can feel their Spirit gently touch my simple life

They come to me in whisperings I hear within my mind

I see them in the Beauty of God's gifts upon land

I know they walk beside me when I feel their gentle breeze

A touch of a wispy wind that covers me in Peace

I smell them in the sweetness of a flower in the bud

Or on the skin of a baby just been bathed with Mothers love


To me the Angel's are as real as you and me

They love and forgive us when we just can't always see

They laugh and frolic when our lives seems to go on just fine

They cry and weep upon our souls when times are at their worst

They send their loving prayers to us

And wrap us warmly in their wings

They give us comfort like the bird upon a Mothers wing


They cover me in a Love that some will never know

Some will never open up

Their Parents never gave them freedom to imagine

Or even taught them how to try

I find this so very sad as I write this at my Angel's side

She guides me with the words of Heaven

Upon this simple poem of mine

And she tells me of the future

The new Dawning of the Angel's time

When all people will learn the most important truth of all

That tiny little creatures with wings hover in your heart

And send absolute love to every creature born upon this earth

@copywrite2000 by Diana


This Poem is dedicated to my Angel's from the other level of reality!

And to my earthy Angel's...You know in your heart who you are!

And to Judy from "My Own Angel Corner" for believing also!

Here is a Poem I just had to share!

Every time I read it I am amazed that a 13 year old wrote it!

This Poem touched a special spot in me

This will be my first Christmas ever without my Father

May they both be surrounded by all

the Angels of Heaven.. Diana

******My First Christmas In Heaven******

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
It was always most important
in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing or love
he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

This poem was written by a 13 year old boy who died of a brain tumor that he
had battled for four years. He died on December 14, 1997. He gave this to
his Mom before he died. His name was Ben.

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