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Gay Liberation Front

(1970 poster photo by Peter Hujar)

On 28 June 1969, a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay nightclub in the heart of Greenwich Village, sparked a week-long rebellion, known today as the Stonewall Riots. For the first time in American history, lesbians and gays fought back against police harassment, hurling bricks, bottles, and rocks at the startled NYPD officers.

Gay Liberation Front was formed by thirty-seven women and men who broke ranks with the conservative homophile establishment, which urged a candlelight march in response to the riots. A militant GLF march demanded immediate end to homosexual persecution. The newly formed group was dedicated to the social ideals of the sixties: peace, equality, and economic justice. Between 1969 and 1971 GLF emerged as a powerful force, expanding to more than 80 independent chapters across the US and beyond.

copyright © 1995 by N. A. Diaman

In Memorium

Steve Abbot

Paul Aginsky

David Aiken

Ron Ballard

Jude Bartlett

Doug Batts

Thom Bean

Arthur Bell

Konstantin Berlandt

Bob Bland

Ruben Borrero

Joel Brodsky

Michael Brown

Michael Bumblebee

Jim Clifford

Martin Corbett

John Dewey

Jerome Dreva

Ian Edelstein

Ferd Eggan

Arthur Evans

Henry Ferrari


Marta Ferro

Tom Finley

Lydia French

Gary Fried

Randy Galterio

Earl Galvin

Mark R. Giles

Steve Ginsberg

Ralph Hall

Lois Hart

Brenda Howard

Stephen Jarrett

Warren Johannson

Leslie Johnson

Marsha P. Johnson

Jim Kepner

Morris Kight

Bob Kohler

Kiyoshi Kuromiya

Louis Landerson

David Lasky

Terry Leigh

Norman Lubowsky

Leo Martello

Bob Martin

Stephen McCarty

Bob Mellors

Carl Miller

Basil O'Brien

Jim Owles

Bruce Pennington

Arthur Platt

Anson Reinhart

Sylvia Rivera

Marty Robinson

Craig Rodwell

Eric Rofes

Ted Rubin

Peter Ruffett

Donald Savala

Mike Silverstein

Warren Singer

Martha Stephans

Bob Flash Storm

Ruben Toro

Kady Van Deurs

Juan Carlos Vidal

Bill Weaver

Henry Weimhoff

Pete Wilson

Carl Wittman

Ben Wolman