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A Forever Sacrifice

Oh Father in Heaven, I thank you,
For sending your Son
He chose to die for our sins,
An innocent man's blood.

He did not have to die,
He could have chosen not
But He suffered immense pain
To save us from our lot.

He was whipped, beaten and spit upon,
Because they were frightened of him
But they had no idea who he was
An insane man? NO, He was in fact the Savior of Men!

The crown of thorns He wore,
Were not sitting on his head!
They thrust the thorns into his skull
And still more blood He shed.

Through the crowd, He carried His cross
Our symbol of His glory
His painful journey would soon be over
But no one would forget His story!

Then the nails they did hammer,
And with each excrutiating blow
He gazed upon our faces
For He loved us so.

A sword they thrust into His side
Another needless torment.
Blood and water flowing down
Oh, Lord, how I lament!

His clothes; they gambled for
As He watched in a tortured state.
These men were evil to the core
Therefore, Hell will be their fate!

God turned His head away,
As the sins of man, upon Jesus were lain.
He felt terribly alone,
His body writhing in pain!

As darkness filled the sky,
And the veil was torn in two.
Jesus committed His Spirit,
His task on Earth was almost through.

For three days later,
He arose from the dead!
His prophecy fullfilled
Just as He had said!

There is no recompense for the gift from Jesus Christ.
He gave His life for You and Me!
And by His precious blood we are saved!
So we must share the Gospel with everyone we see.

We Praise you, Dear Lord and give you all the Glory!

Copyright © Kricket 1999


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