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undefined An Intricate Breakdown of HP Book 1
An Intricate
Breakdown of
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
By Rebecca

I didn't realize I had this castle until I saw it.  ;-)


< >The first book in the Harry Potter series chronicles a young wizard's first year at Hogwarts. Here's a little "Book Breakdown" by chapter: (Please note that this does give away many secrets, so if you have not read Sorcerer’s Stone yet, do not read this and please ask Rebecca for use of this elsewhere.)


1.) The Boy Who Lived
< >The first chapter takes place 10 years before the rest of the book. The Dursleys are a normal family, who would like to STAY normal. But, nothing is constant except change. The Dark Lord (Voldemort) has just fallen in power, after a failed attempt to kill young Harry Potter. Unfortunately, Harry's parents were killed, so he's delivered by Hagrid and Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall to his aunt and uncle's house -- and his aunt and uncle happen to be the Dursleys.

2.) The Vanishing Glass
< >Ten years later, on the Dursley's son's birthday, they go to the zoo. At first they refuse to bring Harry along, but they can't really find anything else to do with him. Young Dudley Durlsey and his friend Piers Polkiss locate a large python. Harry seems to be able to communicate with it, and when Piers sees him talking to the snake, and pushes him aside, the glass on the cage vanishes . . .

3.) The Letters from No One
< >Strange letters begin appearing addressed to "Mr. H Potter" ... Mr. Dursley seems paranoid, and tries to avoid the letters by moving the family and Harry around. Harry's counting down to his eleventh birthday . . .

4.) The Keeper of the Keys
< >The Dursleys and Harry are way out in the sea, on a small hut, on a rock. There's a booming knock at the door, and in comes a giant with the name Rebeus Hagrid (better known as just "Hagrid"), Keeper of the Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Finally Harry is able to open his letter, and Hagrid tells him the shocking news that he's a famous wizard, and has been accepted to an elite wizarding academy.

5.) Diagon Alley
< >Harry goes to Diagon Alley, which is full of wizarding stores, hidden from prying Muggle eyes. He gets his wizarding money out of the vault his parents left to him, and sets off with Hagrid to buy his supplies.

6.) The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
< >September first, and the Hogwarts Express is leaving once again from King's Cross train station - carrying Harry to his new school. He meets several of the students in his year: red-haired Ron Weasley and his family, bushy haired Hermione Granger, nervous and forgetful Neville Longbottom, pale-faced Draco Malfoy and Malfoy's henchmen Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe.

7.) The Sorting Hat
< >Hagrid leads the first years to Hogwarts. At the Sorting Feast, they're sorted into one of four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. To be sorted, they must try on the mind reading, singing Sorting Hat, which will tell them where they belong.

8.) The Potions Master
< >Classes start for Harry and the rest of the students. There's more to magic than Harry initially thought - they must take Astronomy, History of Magic, Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts . . . And then, there's Potions - taught by the head of Slytherin, Snape, who seems to have a grudge against everybody not in his house ... particularly Harry.

9.) The Midnight Duel
< >Flying lessons are given to all Hogwarts pupils. During their first lesson, Madam Hooch must leave the students for a moment. While she's gone, Malfoy starts to cause trouble, and Harry tries to save a Remembrall that belongs to Neville. Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall sees Harry flying when he shouldn't be, and leads him to see fifth year Oliver Wood . . . Malfoy's mad about how Harry embarrassed him on during lessons, and challenges him to a wizard's duel. Ron accepts for Harry, and Hermione tries to tell them not to do it. All three of them, along with Neville, end up in the halls at night - a perfect target for the foul-tempered caretaker, Filch. Something's being hidden at Hogwarts, and they may have discovered where it is . . .

10.) Halloween
< >Harry gets his own broomstick, and Ron accidentally/on purpose insults Hermione. Hermione's off crying in the bathroom when stuttering Professor Quirrel rushes into the Halloween feast to announce that somehow a troll has gotten into the school. Unfortunately, it ends up getting locked into the bathroom where Hermione was, and Harry and Ron have to save her, being as it's their fault.

11.) Quidditch
< >Quidditch: the magical sport played on broomsticks, high in the air. Harry's made the position of Seeker for his house, an amazing feat for a first year. Unfortunately, somebody's cursing his broomstick, nearly killing him. An interesting visit to Hagrid gives them a clue about what's being hidden on the third floor.

12.) The Mirror of Erised
< >It's Christmas at Hogwarts, and Harry's busy looking through the library for anything that would help him figure out what's hidden. Along with some nice, normal holiday gifts, he also inherits something from his father, which leads him to explore the castle at night. During his midnight journeys, he discovers an unusual mirror . . .

13.) Nicolas Flamel
< >Snape refereeing a Quidditch match, and Harry discovers exactly who Nicolas Flamel is - revealing what may be on the third floor. An interesting exchange is overheard, confirming Harry's suspicions . . .

14.) Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
< >Hagrid wins a dragon's egg in a poker game. Only problem is, dragons are illegal to own as pets. So Harry and Co. must get Norbert (as Hagrid has named his little Norwegian Ridgeback) a new home.

15.) The Forbidden Forest
< >After breaking several rules in order to get Norbert out of Hogwarts without anybody noticing, detentions are in order. Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Malfoy all have to serve their sentences on the same night, helping Hagrid find a hurt unicorn in the foreboding Forbidden Forest. They find the animal all right, and a strange, disturbing scene it is . . .

16.) Through the Trapdoor
< >Its almost the end of term, and in order to stop somebody from stealing the magical, powerful Sorcerer's Stone, Harry and his friends must go through the trapdoor on the third floor. To get to the stone, they must pass a series of tests and obstacles first.

17.) The Man with Two Faces
< >Harry comes face to face with the culprit trying to get the Stone. But Harry knows something this person does not, which may save his life - and the Stone.


I want to head home now, please. :-)

