Here's our page! We are a family in a small (sorta) town in South Carolina. There is Scott(dad), Paula(mom). Derek(13 yr old son), Jordan(7 yr old son), 3 cats( Shiloh, Jasper and Lightnin') and a 58 gal reef tank. I (Scott) am an Industrial Mechanic. I work for Ticona, an engineering resins (expensive plastic) manufacturer. I help maintain production equipment. My wife (Paula) works at The hospital in a neighboring town. She is going to school to become a nurse or medical labratory tech. The kids, well, they're kids and the cats do cat stuff. Here on our page, we want to share the things that make us who we are, and the things we enjoy as a family and as individuals. We hope you like our page.
While your here, please sign our Guest Book!!
So far, here is what we got
This site was updated on 16-Jul-2002 05:54 PM