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Hello and Welcome to my Jushin "Thunder" Liger dedication page. Even though Jushin liger wrestles in Japan, he is still my favorite wrestler. I remember watching him pull off huge death-defying moves on WCW Clash Of The Champions a long time ago... I have been following his career for a long time and now with the invention of the internet I can find evenm more information about Liger's career. Below is some basic background information on Jyushin Lyger (Japanese Name)

Keiichi Yamada was the star of his high school amateur wrestling team. After graduating, he asked the NJPW for a spot, but the NJPW rejected his request. He then went to Mexico to better his skills in wrestling school. In June, 1983, the NJPW had a taping in Mexico. Keiichi Yamada got his second chance to join the NJPW. That time, Yamada was offered a try-out. Then he had his NJPW debut on March 3rd, 1984.

Two years later, Yamada won the '86 Young Lion Cup, which was the tournament for rookies in the NJPW. Yamada became more and more popular, so the office decided to send Yamada on tours of other countries, so that he could be an ace when he returned to Japan. Thus, Yamada wrestled in England and Calgary. In the fall of 1988, a Jushin Liger cartoon debuted in Japan, and it became very popular. Due to the success of Tiger Mask character, the NJPW office decided to use the Jushin Liger character to present that angle again.

Keiichi Yamada became Jushin Liger and debuted on 29th April, 1989. Less than one month later, Jushin Liger won his first IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title from Hiroshi Hase. On 5th January, 1990, Jushin Liger changed his name to Jushin Thunder Liger. In the following years, Liger beat many superstars, such as Owen Hart, Ultimo Dragon, Wild Pegasus(Chris Benoit), Super Delfin and Brian Pillman.

By the early 1990's, Liger began booking the New Japan junior heavyweight division. Two elements of his booking style began to emerge. The first was a solid mix of juniors from all different leagues in Japan. He instituted an open door policy for the division which increased the quality and freshness of the matches and division as a whole. The second element of his booking which developed was the tournament format as a new form of competition amongst the juniors.

In 1991, Liger made his US debut by defeating the late Brian Pillman for the WCW Light Heavyweight Title. His style was a huge contrast to the plodding heavyweights. Liger and Pillman had a classic series of bouts which culminated with his losing the strap to Pillman at Superbrawl II. Liger's mark; however, was left on the US fans. He gave them a taste for what would become the future Cruiserweight Division.

In 1995 and 1996, Liger once again resurfaced in WCW, and tagged with The Great Sasuke while in the US. However, in the summer of 1996, Liger befell a brain cancer that almost ended his wrestling career. Liger's cancer was successfully removed, and he returned to action.

In August of 1996, Liger, the booker, pulled off the greatest political deal of his career. He convinced 8 different leagues to send their junior champion to a winner-take-all 8 man tournament. While Liger did not go on to win this initial tournament, he would eventually capture the J-Crown, all 8 junior heavyweight titles.

In 1997, he won the WWF World Light Heavyweight Title, in Japan, from Ultimo Dragon in a six month reign ending in a loss to El Samurai. During his illustrious career, Liger has held 2 British singles titles, singles titles in the NWA, UWA, WWA, and WAR promotions, and two tag titles; one with the Great Sasuke and another with El Samurai. After winning his first IWGP Junior Heavyweight title in 1989, he has held it for over four years, a remarkable feat.

Liger is a wrestling legend, innovater, and a trendsetter in the sport of professional wrestling. He did what no one in the genre thought was possible: have juniors gain fan interest independent of the heavyweights.

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