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  You Are Not Alone!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex endocrine disturbance found in 5 - 30% of the world's female population.  First diagnosed in 1935 as Stein - Levinthal Syndrome, it is one of the most common causes of
infertility, and yet it still is misdiagnosed in most cases.

The symptoms of PCOS vary within each individual, but common complaints include: irregular menstrual periods, male pattern baldness, obesity or unexplained weight gain, excessive facial and/or body hair, insulin resistance and infertility.  Women who have PCOS have an increased risk of adult onset diabetes,  hypertension,  early onset heart disease,  cancers of the reproductive organs,  and a higher chance of miscarriage and infertility.  Though there is currently no cure for this disorder,  it can be controlled to an extent with certain medications and a proper diet.


I want to add my name to the list of "cysters" out there on the web,  those who know what they are dealing with,  and those who are just now discovering what their bodies have been telling them all along. Just knowing that what I am facing has been dealt with for decades, gives me the strength and courage to make it through another day. Thank you all!

We are angels with but one wing, and to fly we must embrace each other.
- Anonymous


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Created 8/18/99 by SherBear.  I am NOT a medical professional and the information included in this site is not to be used in any form of self-diagnosis. Consult a physician for these sort of things. All opinions stated in this website are of my very own convolution.


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