02/14/00 -
My Journal
This page will become an online diary, documenting my struggle with PCOS. I will update, as often as necessary, the changes in my condition. This will be a way for my friends and fellow cysters to compare symptoms and lives. Please make note, the language on this page may get a little graphic, depending on the severity of my mood swings. I will try to keep it at a minimum, though, for the more sensitive readers. The newest entries will be at the top.
I've been a very bad webmistress. I haven't been keeping my journal updated, and I apologize for that. Now, on to the update. I had far too many side effects taking the HCTZ, so the doctor put me on Aldactone 50 mg. a day, which I had read about in an email from one of the cysters. It didn't help the blood pressure, so I have to return to the doctor once again for another increased dose. I'm not fond of taking pills, but I know that I have to get the high blood pressure under control pronto, otherwise I cannot start taking the BCP's for the hormonal problems. My acne seems to be eleviating (Thank God for small favors) and the oily hair and skin have given way to very dry hair and skin. The hair on my head is starting to thin, but luckily I have very thick hair, so it isn't very noticiable. I have to sit down and write a list of complaints to give to the doctor. I've heard many women singing the praises of Glucophage, and I'd like to find out if it's right for me. I'm in pain daily, I haven't been able to stick to the low-carb diet for numerous reasons (most of my own doing, I know) and I've been feeling very depressed lately. It's Valentine's Day and the highlight so far (other than my sweet hubby giving me lots of hugs) has been reading the
article in the new issue of Woman's Day Magazine. If you are contemplating discussing PCOS with your doctor, PICK THIS UP AT THE NEWS STAND TODAY! There is some great info in this article, and it's rather plainly written, so perhaps a less than eager doc might take
the time to read it. Janell (from Scott and Janell's Infertility Page *see links page*) is in the article, along with a photo of her two beautiful boys.
01/12/00 -I started treatment for hypertension on Friday. The doctor has me taking HCTZ (a diuretic) for the high blood pressure and to help with weight loss. I also had some blood tests run, and everything came back normal (no diabetes yet~Thank God!~) and my cholesterol is only slightly elevated. I've been having some weird side-effects, although I'm not totally sure that they are entirely cause by the pills. I've been feeling very weak and tingling from head to toe. Tonight I've had horrible lower back pain. I'm still guzzling the water and hoping my kidneys aren't what's causing the pain. I called and talked to my doctor this morning and his answer was for me to eat lots of fruit and call him back in a week. (I thought I explained that I'm on a low carb diet for a reason?!?!) But, I'm going to go with what he says for now.
12/29/99 -I haven't been dedicating myself to the website because I haven't felt up to sitting at the computer. I haven't had a period since August, and am feeling worse for it. I've been having some digestive problems that I attribute to overproduction of bile, trying
to compensate for my insulin's inability to break down the foods I eat. I went to the ER Christmas eve and had an ultrasound of my gallbladder, pancreas, and liver, but they didn't see anything inflammed. They did not take any blood tests, like I asked because honestly, I don't think they cared.
8/26/99 -This is the first time I've been on the net in 6 days. The cold isn't letting up, and I've felt miserable. The only thing that is getting me through is knowing that I am going on vacation day after tomorrow. I will try to get the page in working order before then, so at least I can come back to a completed project. My period finally stopped, and I'm feeling a little better on that end of things. I still haven't started my low-carb diet again. I'm putting it off for some reason, and I know that's wrong, but, what can I do? I haven't had the time or energy to worry with making meals.
8/18/99 -Well, I finally sat down and made the page. I feel better about that. Six days on the Provera induced period and four days on the new BCPs. The mood swings are levelling off just a bit, but I still catch myself snapping for no apparent reason. I'm still lethargic, but I chalk most of that up to the cold that I'm fighting off. Started the low-carb diet a few days ago, but I can't resist the need for chocolate! Putting it off until the period is over.
Creative minds have always been known to survive any kind of bad training.
- Anna Freud
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person to hear me complain since 8/18/99! (Bless ya!)
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Created 8/18/99 by SherBear. All the whining and moaning on this page is purely of my own convolution.
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