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Links and Rings


  • Official Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Website - Offers info and support links.
  • Soul Cysters - Kat Carney's personal experiences and success with PCOS.
  • MSNBC Dateline - The story that shed light to the world.
  • PCOTeen - A great site sponsored by PSOSupport, for teens and young adults.
  • Callalil's Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Pages - Very informative site.
  • Paula's Place - A personal look at PCOS and host site to the PCO Webring.
  • Scott And Janell's Infertility & PCOS Support Page - A look at infertility.
  • Kjenns PCOS Korner - Another personal PCOS story.
  • Maria's PCOS Support Group - Host site to the "Wish for a Baby" Webring.
  • Sherbear's Salute to Fat Girls - Because hey, someone has to do it! :-)



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    Created 8/18/99 by SherBear.  I am NOT a medical professional and the information included in this site is not to be used in any form of self-diagnosis. Consult a physician for these sort of things. All opinions stated in this website are of my very own convolution.

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