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Our Alaska Photo Album

Welcome to our Alaska Internet photo adventure. It began as we landed at the Anchorage International Airport about 8:30 PM with the sun still high in the clear Alaska sky.We took a cab to the motorhome rental company where our 23 foot mini motorhome was set up waiting for us. It was brisk outside with a bit of a chill in the air. It was prearranged that we would stay the night in the unit, then make all the arrangements in the morning so we can be on our way. It was perfect!

Our plan was to stock up on all the supplies the first day, find a local campground and stay in town the first night just to make sure all the systems were functioning properly. They were and so we headed north toward Denali on the Glenn Highway.


Great Alaska Holidays -- Rental Agency
Mini motorhome 23 ft 94 Ford very nice! We didn't buy any of these !!!!

number one


Scenes like the one below are plentiful throughout this state. You can find them easily by using the many pullouts along the roads.

  Taken from side of highway  

number two

One of our first stops along this highway is at the home of these beautiful wolves. As you can see, they are very happy to see someone come because it means some food will be coming along very soon. The pups can be purchased for pets if you are so inclined. We were not. The owner is accepted by them and can do almost anything with them, like taking a dog biscuit from the mouth of a tourist who is willing to chance it. He found one, as you can see.

Wolf Country--Palmer,AK 99645 Hybrid wolves
Taking wolf bisquit Cubs available for sale.

number three

Special Animals

Musk Oxen are raised for the hair that is combed out of their manes. It makes the finest woven items (gloves,scarves, fasion outfits and much more) which are very expensive and of course very beautiful. They place huge comb-like structures in the pasture and the animals rub against them and leave huge amounts of this fur/hair. It is gathered and woven into the items mentioned and then sold in the gift shop on the farm.

The Reindeer farm was loads of fun, walking among the animals and also feeding them. Strangelyenough, these deer do not have any horns at Christmas time. Theyshed them in the Fall and grow new ones in the Spring. They arevery friendly and follow you all over in hopes of a handout.

Musk ox breeding farm They produce very expensive wool.
Reindeer Ranch--Palmer, AK Little ones are always so special

number four


We arrive at Denali National Park on one of the few days when you are allowed to drive your own vehicle into the park for about 50 miles. What a break that is because otherwise we would have to buy tickets and ride on a park bus to see the sights. The other benefit on this special day was a free site in the park campground. Only those with self contained (all facilities aboard) campers were allowed this priviledge.

Denali National Park Entrance Our Campsite at the Park
View Directory- Mt. McKinley area Our Picture of McKinley

number five


Moose like the ones pictured here have the right-of-way here and you are advised to yield to them for your own safety. This cow has come to the post office parking lot because of lush new growth on the bushes here. She is oblivious to the people and goes about her lunchtime activities. Also here at the park entrance is the station for the Alaska RR on which you can arrive here from either Anchorage to the South or Fairbanks to the North. This is how the majority of visitors make the journey.

Resident Moose at Denali--Lunch Time Moose at Post Office
Still at Post Office Alaska Central R/R Station at Denali Park

number six


Fairbanks is the second largest city in Alaska and is the home of the state university, the agricultural research farms and the museum of natural history.

Fairbanks-Post Card View Where do you want to Go? Alaska Pioneer Statue

number seven


Our campground was right by the river and very nice. From here we went down town to see the Memorial Day celebration in the city park. Very Nice .

The next day we went to a city park where there was an aircraft museum, picnic area, shopping area (pictured below) and the home of the famous all-you-can-eat salmon bake.

Fairbanks-Camp Site Downtoun Street in Fairbanks
Original Homes moved from downtown to this Park. Now Gift Shops ! Salmon Bake, ALL you can eat. Wonderful

number eight


From our campgruond we booked a one day tour to the Arctic Circle. We left early in the AM and drove north on the James W Dalton Highway. The scenes below were taken at our first rest stop on this trip, a real Alaska homestead and tourist attraction.

Smoke House at homestead site on road Homesteader's Cabin, quite large !
to Arctic Circle. "Rest Stop' Perma-frost ice box. Lowered into ground with a rope

number nine


As you can see, not much further to the 'Circle', but for now we have stopped to enjoy a 'provided' lunch on the banks of the Yukon River. Needless to say, this was a very pleasant stop and a very good lunch.

Not Much Further to Go........ The E.L. Patton Bridge over the Yukon River
Lunch by the River Yukon..Very Nice. The Patton Bridge,....and us.


Well, here we are at The Arctic Circle and what an experience it has been. The landscape is beautiful here on the Tundra with it's perma-frost covered with tiny flowers that pop up everywhere you look. Only a few inches(10 to 12)under the flowers is a solid layer of ice that never thaws . We walked a ways out on the tundra where our guide let us reach down through the flowers and feel the ice. Amazing !

As you can see we are having another picnic, this time right at the circle. Here we were given certificates verifing our achievement of reaching this point.

The Arctic Circle, We Finaly Made It... Finger Mountain Land Mark
Picnic at the Circle, all included, nice. Can you find it in this picture? It's there !


On our return trip we were given the chance to see the pipeline up close and personal. Our guide was very informative and was able to answer most of the questions we had about it's construction and operation.

The Alaska Pipeline is a marvel of modern engineering. It winds it's way thru valleys
and over mountains from Prudo to Valdez. The Dalton Highway was used in the building of this great pipe line.


This is a great spot for families to vacation with all the facilities to accomodate the young and the old alike. This resort like many others has a landing strip for small planes. Chena Hot Springs is located about 55 miles East of Fairbanks on a good two lane road with some beautiful scenery tossed in for good measure.

Chena Hot Spings Resort Beautiful Hiking Trails
Inside Hot Pool and Hot tubs OutsideHhhhooooottt Tubs


After returning to Fairbanks from Chena, we headed south towards Valdez to see the southern terminus of the pipe line. The scenery is just spectacular with jagged snow capped mountains and frozen lakes, we are sure glad we have a good vehicle to help us get through this desolate countryside. The glacier pictured here was beautiful and I was able to get the same picture as on the post card.

Wide Open Roads, NO Traffic. Heading South to Valdez, the Pipe Line Terminus Washington Glacier Post Card
Beautiful Frozen Lakes to Explore My shot of Washington Glacier


We travelled over the mountains to Valdez, the end of the pipeline. Here the oil is loaded on tanker ships that take it all over the world.

It was a miserable day as we arrived here and started looking for a campground. The rain just wouldn't stop,it was getting cold and the fog was starting to roll in.

Our evening at the theatre was a joy. All the players wore long red underware as a base costume and then added different accessories for each scene. A very good way to spend a rainy evening.

Our ferry was waiting for us on the morning of our departure as was the sunshine. We loaded the camper and went topside to enjoy the cruise across Prince William Sound.

VALDEZ, on Prince William Sound Valdez Harbor in the Rain
An Evening at the Theater in Valdez Our Ferry to Whittier, across P/W Sound


On the way the captain stopped at the Columbia Glacier, which is only one of many. They are all about the same from our vantage point. There are big chuncks of the blue ice floating by as we were taking pictures. These ice bergs are favorite hangouts for bald eagles and we saw quite a few scanning the water for anything to make a meal.

My shot of Colombia Glacier Post Card View
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, What a Spot Saw a lot of Eagles on the icebergs.

At the end of our cruise on P/W Sound, we arrived at Whittier,AK , another town without a road leading to it. Access is only by ship ,R/R or airplane. So, I guess we'll have to leave by the Alaska R/R spur line through the mountains to a point along the highway just south of Anchorage. It was a scarry ride on a flat car, sitting in the camper through the dark(tunnels)and swaying back and forth.

Thank the Lord it was a short ride and we were soon unloaded and on our way to Anchorage to turn in the motorhome and rent a car for the rest of our visit.

Driving onto Flatbed R/R cars at Whittier for the short ride THROUGH the mountains and back to Anchorage.  
Main shopping street in Anchorage Official Visitor Center, very pretty place


We left Anchorage in a brand new Ford (only 1100 miles) heading south toward the Kenai Penninsula and the village of Homer. We stopped a few times to take pictures and to watch salmon fishermen plying thier skill with the snatch hooks. These are illegal in the lower 48.

Here at Homer we enjoyed the very best halibut that we ever had. It was cooked on a wooden stick like a kabob, only in the deep fryer. If you're not going fishing or hunting, Homer is sort of a dead end place. So we left.

Beautiful Beach on the Kenai Penn. Salmon Fishing in a land-locked inlet at low tide. No bait, just snatch hooks.
Best Halibut Fishing in the World here Black Sand Beach at Homer, Ak.


Heading north from Homer and on our way to Seward, we found this beautiful park where we had sidewalk access to real glacier. We walked right up to the base of the ice flow and shot our pictures.

Kenai National Park--Exit Glacier Area About 1/4 mi. to glacier, all paved path.
It's melting very fast, has receeded several miles in the last 20 years. Spectacular blue color of ice, just like icebergs in Prince William Sound.


This is probably the easiest glacier to visit in the Anchorage area. It is located only a few miles to the south . Both of these sites are worth a visit, in fact we came back the second time just to have lunch at the Soup and Sandwich shop below the lodge at Alyeska.

Just south of Anchorage Famous Ski Resort
So many glaciers, all beautiful. Little town at base of resort


Saturday is market day in Anchorage. A very large area in the center of town is turned into a delightful open air(flea) market. There is a mixture of the new and the used merchandise, a good selection of fast food stands and plenty of free parking.

Musk Oxen Hair outfit on sale Lots of Parking for Sat. Mkt.
for only $3200.00. Some Bargain She's in 7th Heaven Today


We took time to venture to the top of Penney's parking garage for a wonderful view of the city, get a perspective of how the downtown was laid out and to get our bearings.

View from Penny's Parkig Garage More Beautiful Akaska Flowers
Flower Cart with Vendor Largest Flowers in Town


This church and cemetery is located just outside of Anchorage. We sort of stumbled on it while looking for the salmon hatchery. The colorful structures on each grave site identify the clan interred here. The mixture of colors came about when there was a marriage between two different clan members (ie. girl from green clan marries boy from red clan, their markers would be red and green).

We finally found the hatchery where the effort of these people helps to maintain the salmon population that sustains the fishing industry.

Historical Village and Church Salmon Hatchery near Anchorage
Colorful Grave Markers Identify Familys Raises Thousands of Fish


It wouldn't be fitting to leave this beautiful place without a stop at the zoo .

This is the end of a fabulous trip.

Anchorage Zoo Flower Garden at Zoo
Final Hike This is the END

** THE END **

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