
Thought for today...
Once you are real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.---The Velveteen Rabbit

Hi, my name is Debi, and I want to welcome you to my web site. The pages here are not professional, trust me, I am just learning! But I do hope that you will find something useful here. I know I have certainly enjoyed doing this!
There are many things in our life that touch our hearts and bring us happiness and joy. There are also things that cause us great sadness and pain. All, I believe, have a purpose and a reason, and all have an impact on our lives. It is by sharing our joys and our sorrows that our lives become richer, our smiles brighter, and our struggles a bit easier.
That is the intent of this page. I hope by sharing some of my loves, you will find a piece of happiness that will brighten your day. I also hope by sharing some of my sorrows, you will find comfort in knowing that you are not alone. This page is my "healing", and I hope in some small way it can be a starting point for others.
I have found that here, online, there is a world of wonderful people. People who really do care. We laugh, we cry, we play games, we talk about our kids, our lives, and our spouses...LOL. What has touched me the most is the unconditional love and acceptance I have found here. I am so grateful for the people I have met, and the joy they have brought into my life. These pages are dedicated to those people, my online friends. Thank you for your company, and your love and support.
Hugs, Debi

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