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~*One of my close friends reported to me that he met Nik & Berard. He attened the Jersey/Leaf game 2 and one of his friends brought him to the press box, Bryan Berard and Nik Antropov were there! He told me that "Nik speaks english better than I imagined".*~

~*Eric Dejardins from the Philidelphia Flyers recently commented on Nik's "lack of abilities", I think Mr. Eric Dejardins needs to take a closer look at Nik's real abilities instead of looking in a mirror.*~

~*Now I have not had confirmation on this but ... Nik & Lena's baby (Lexus) arrived on December 20th 2000. No matter the date, by now they MUST be the proud parents of a new bundle of joy. After all Lena was due some time in December now if she was still pregnant I'm sure we would have heard about it by now! Congrats to you both Nik and Lena!*~

If you have any NEWS please share it with us, send me an e-mail at
