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The Great Aristotle

His Contributions to Philosophy


Aristotle is one of the better known and most recognized names in philosophical history. Considered by many to be the greatest philosopher that had ever lived, Aristotle made several contributions to systematizing deductive logic, developing mathematical methods, progressing the natural sciences, and writing the "how to book" for all general knowledge. The significance of Aristotle's philosophies on thinking and logic is relitively apparent considering that traces of his teachings can be seen in almost all philosophies that preceded his. Aristotle's system of logical thinking , he calledPosterior Analytics, can be found in philosophical theories from Saint Augistine to John Locke. Many of the philosophies Aristotle developed were so important and groundbreaking to philosophy that many have managed to survive even to the present day.

Take a Look at some of Aristotle's Work and see it's importance and brilliance for yourself

Introduction to Aristotles Theories

The Subject of Logic: "Syllogisms" (induction and deduction)

Premises: the structure of Assertion

The Syllogistic: the theory of inference

Definitions: Aristotle defines

Dialectic and Rhetoric

Sophistical Arguments

29 Complete Works of Aristotle's Philosophies

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