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This is an ALERT to all female Rock fans... now I realize that this may not include you.. but this is a message to those that don't know their damn role! Now if you didn't already know, The Rock is married and he belongs to one woman and one woman only, who is his beautiful wife Mrs.Dany Garcia Johnson.

Now if you are a TRUE Rock fan you should respect that, and her. The Rock loves her.... she loves The Rock. Put yourself in her shoes... how would you like teenage and older women alike throwing themselves at YOUR husband? I know I wouldn't like it at all... and I respect Dany for putting up with the things that my fellow Female Rock fans have done..... If you respect Dany, and if you are a TRUE Rock fan, and NOT just some Jabroni-chick, and if you have a website, post this notice up too. Dany needs her respect!