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August 2, 3, 4, 2002.

HMCS TRENTONIAN Reunion has been a complete success! All the long hours of planning and hard work by the Reunion Committee has paid off, providing a Naval Event in this city that will be remembered for a very long time. The following is an account of he weekend activities.

Photos are available, please see the link to the photos on the main page.


FRIDAY -2 August 2002

SATURDAY -3 August 2002

SUNDAY -4 August 2002

The following units attended the parade:



We were contacted by Major Embrie of Central Region Cadet Headquarters at CFB Borden, he is the coordinator for the Canadian Naval Reserve Band while they are touring Ontario this summer. He offered to make an application to the Naval Reserve Headquarters located in Quebec City, to alter their schedule and have them attend our Reunion. In less than 24 hours the itinerary for the band was changed and the concert at CFB Borden was rescheduled and the band was confirmed by Headquarters to attend the Reunion! As Major Embrie stated to me, they have a choice between playing a concert at an Army Base or playing for the crew of one of our ships that served in war and she and her crew paid dearly, I know where the Canadian Naval Reserve Band would want to be that day. The Canadian Naval Reserve Band is a professional band reflecting the best traditions of the Canadian Navy. They played at the lead of the parade, with the crew following behind. The band also played a one hour concert in the afternoon in the park beside the Legion.

HMCS ONTARIO, is a summer training establishment for the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. It has earned the right to boast one of the most renowned summer training of Sea Cadet Bands, consisting of Cadets from all accross Central Region. Commander Lundy has graciously agreed to send the 55 piece band, color party and marchers to Trenton for the Parade. the total strength of ONTARIO at the parade was a staggering 120 officers and cadets. All participation by HMCS ONTARIO is greatly appreciated.

Trenton Air cadet Camp Band and Colors, sent a strong contingent of cadets to the parade nad service. Their attendance was most welcomed by the crew. The crew expressed how important it was to them to have the air element present. The ir force was always a welcome sight when on escort duty, they knew when the aircraft were overhead the submarines would stay deep underneath.

The Color Party of Branch 110, Royal Canadian Legion will head up the parade. The Legion Color Party has always been a strong and active representation of our local veterans. For the parade a number of our Legion Members, all retired Navy, found their old "Square Rig" and formed a Naval Color Party to lead the parade.


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