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Roger Litwiller Roger Litwiller resides near Trenton in Eastern Ontario, Canada.

He has worked as a decorated Paramedic in the community since 1983 and still enjoys his profession.

Roger has always had a creative side to his personality and technology has allowed him to explore, nurture and develop his artistic character.

He has written several articles for newspapers and eventually wrote featured articles for national magazines. With the release of his book "Warships of the Bay of Quinte", Roger has become an author.

Since a young boy, travelling on a family vacation and seeing three Canadian Navy ships protecting the racing fleet of the 1976 Olympics in Kingston, Ontario, Roger has had a keen interest in the Canadian Navy.

Roger as an artist has sold several pieces of his "PhotoArt". His interest in photography has come from his father when he handed Roger a small Browning box camera and together they developed the black and white pictures in the basement. With digital photography and computers, Roger has been able to produce truly inspirational photography of the world around him.

Please explore this website to learn more of Roger and see his photography and writing.

Webpage posted 24 March 2011