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Every picture here is hyperlinked to a larger and more suitable for viewing page. Just click on the picture you would like to see, and you will go to the place it is stored.... then click your back button on your browser to return to the page. Please do not steal these paintings. You may use the links to email and save and print, but please give me the credit for them and send your recipients to or so they can get the whole story. I have never denied anyone permission to use my paintings or words on their site. They have all been kind enough to link back to me. They are kind of like my children, created in love and brought into the world through pain, and I am very protective of them.
Swamp Ducks Ducks at Sunrise

Loons in the Mist Let Me Be Me

Tree Of Life
Doves Greet The Day

Lilac Sky

Hope Dove
First Snow

Misty Trees
Water's Edge

By The Sea
The Stream

The Wolf
For Krista

Crimson Sky
Garden Abstract

Mom's Garden
Marie's Safe Place
Never Alone Chrysanthymums

Take me home on the wings of a dove, the journey has ended.

Please stop by and visit the family if you have time.