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Oneida People, Places, Dates & Events

Author: Susan G. Daniels copyright: 1999


Wheelock Family Name

Records used for this document include the Archiquette and Powless Diaries, census and annuity rolls, and the Episcopal Church Records: Births, Baptisms, Burials, Deaths and Marriages; allotment records; civil war records. There are discrepancies from one source to another.

The greatest challenge is to separate out names of individuals and spellings. For example: there may appear a Henry Stevens and Henry Stephens. It may be two spearate individuals, or two separate ways of spelling the name. Another approach in determining if more than one individual shares the same name, is to scrutinize the pattern of activity. For example, it would be difficult for John Doxtator to have fathered a child in 1853 if he was listed as having died in 1850. It would seem obvious it is a different John Doxtator.

The documents are not all inclusive. There were excerpts from the Episcopal Records. There may be many more pages. These documents are available at the University of Wisconsin Area Resource Center (7th floor) at the Coffrin Library.

This document will continue to be updated as information/resources become available. It is designed to provide a "beginning" for those interested in researching family members or particular individuals. The intent was to follow the time frame from 1821, the time Oneidas came to Wisconsin, until 1939, the time of the WPA project. This seems to be a sketchy period of time among the Oneida people. Very little written information is available.

While there may be other sources that discuss specific historical events, this document is intended to look at the people. Historical events can be concluded within this time frame by looking at the activity that occurred in individual's lives, such as the small pox epidemic. Pulling names and time periods will give a good indicator of who died and when during this epidemic.

The more information that is added to this document, the easier it is to see the inconsistencies. For example, a Mary Hill who was 34 on the 1885 census in not likely to be the same Mary Hill who is listed as 28 on the 1905 census.

Footnootes on entries symbolized with "RG" indicates information provided by Rose (Powless) Guyette. Spouses listed after allotment entries may not necessarily mean that person was married at the time of allotment to the spouse indicated, but through research on the part of Rose Guyette, became married at some point in time to the person indicated directly after the allotment entry.

Episcopal Church Records-Burials: It appears burials may have been registered in the name of the person who was responsible for the same. It may not necessarily mean it was that person that was buried, but rather possibly a family member.

1890-92-Allotment #1063; 4 years old; Fee Lot 19; T23, R18, S15-25 acres; child of Antone Wheelock

1871-Feb 13-Chosen as Constable under new laws (Archiquette Diary)

1860-Dec 15-daughter, Kate, born to Abram and Lucy Wheelock (Episcopal Church Records)
1869-Aug 17-son dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary)
1869-Aug 29-wife, Lucy dies at Duck Creek Powless Diary)
1871-Oct 10 (Tuesday)-died at age 48, Duck Creek (Powless Diary)
1871-Nov 8 (Wednesday) - son, age 17 died, Duck Creek (Powless Diary)
1879-May 4 (Sunday)-wife, Mary Ann, age 26 dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary)

1885-June-listed on census, age 45; son, John(13); son, Martin(11)
1890-92-Allotment #743; 49 years old; Deeded Lot 5, 10 a & Deeded N * SW 74.70a; T23, R18, S20-84 acres; head of family
1905-May 10-Correspondence to J.C. Hart from Larrabee, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding inherited Indian land deed executed by Kate Island, Henry Wheelock, and Martin F. Wheelock, conveying to Mose Bender as surviving heirs of Abram Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1890-92-Allotment #1142; 23 years old; Deeded Lot 2, Sec. 31, 5a Deeded SW, SE; T23, R19, S34-45 acres

1890-92-Allotment #85; listed as 4 years of age; Lot f33 sec. 32 20 a Lot fee 1.5a; Twe, R19, S32-25 acres; listed as child of Cornelius Wheelock
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age

1914-May 12-Sale of land by heirs of Ophelia Skenandoah allotment. Heirs include Lena Charles, Abraham Skenandore, Zachariah Skenandore, Eli Skenandoah, Amanda Wheelock and Rebecca Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1880-May 18 (Tuesday)-daughter, Cady, 4 mos. Old dies at Duck Creek (Powless)
1885-June-listed on census, age 32; wife, Margaret(25); son, Archie(4); son, Austin(2)
1890-92-Allotment #1060; 36 years old; Deeded Lot 7, Sec. 23, 34a Deeded SW, SW Sec. 14 Lot 1, 17 50a; T23, R18, S3-91 acres; head of family

WHEELOCK, ANTHONY - "Ha la cuh gih"
1839-Feb 22-dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)

1876-Aug 22 (Tuesday)-son, 6 mos old dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary)

1890-92-Allotment #1061; 8 years old; Fee Lot 22; T23, R18, S15-25 acres; child of Antone Wheelock
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 24 years of age

1890-92-Allotment #1062; 6 years old; Deeded Lot 21, 15a Deeded Lot 20, 10a; T23, R18, S15-25 acres; child of Antone Wheelock

1894-Listed as student at Hampton Institute
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age; wife, Ida, age 31; son, Franklin, age 6; daughter, Evangeline, age 2; son, Percival, born June 12, 1904
1914-Nov 23-Authorization to approve checks for Benjamin Wheelock for full amount of deposit. Approved by E.B. Meritt (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

WHEELOCK, CALVIN (Calvin Smith Wheelock)
1890-92-Allotment #1453; 22 years old; Fee Lot 3, 4 acres, Sec. 28; T23, R19, S25; by vote of council

1869-Oct 1 (Friday)-dies at about age 8 at Duck Creek Powless Diary)

1871-May 1-died (has now finished her business-Monday) Duck Creek (Powless)
Celicia Wheelock House, allotment #15, husband William House, born 1872; husband's father, Baptist House; husband's mother, Jane House: children: Cora Morrison, by Joseph Morrison, born 1893; Rufus House, born 1899; Walter House, born 1900; Gertrude House, born 1903; Effie M. House, born 1907.

ALLOTMENT-#15; listed as 16 years of age; Fee Lot 9; T23, R19, S32 - 26 acres; listed as child of James A. Wheelock; husband William House, Joe Morrison (Chippewa)(RG)

1890-92-Allotment #372; listed as 6 years of age; Fee Lot 19; T23, R18, S13-27 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock
1914-Aug 18-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from ?letter incomplete regarding Charlotte Wheelock allotment (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
Charles D. Wheelock, born 1867, died May 3, 1907(39 years old), allotment #20; father, James A. Wheelock; wife, Julia Powless, born 1867; wife's father, Joseph Powless; children, Richenda Wheelock, born 1895; Frances Wheelock, born 1898.

Allotment-#20-age 22; Fee Claim 58, 27a(by creek) Sc/2T23; Fee SE,Se; T24, R19, Sec 30-47 acres; listed as child of James A. Wheelock (Charles D.); wife, Julia Powless (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 38 years of age; wife, Julia, age 39; daughter, Richenda, age 11; daughter, Frances, age 9

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 24 years of age (Note: married #1611)

1890-92-Allotment #944; 8 years old; Fee Lot 18, 18a Lot 17, 8a; T23, R19, S22-26 acres; daughter of Rachel, adopted

1838 Census of Orchard Party residing at Duck Creek. Listed with 4 family members.
1844-Mar 21-wife dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1885-June-listed on census, age 23; wife, Mary Jane Casper(24); son, Alpheus (1/4)
1890-92-Allotment #84; listed as 26 years of age; Claim fee 61, SE fee SW Sec. 28 Lot fee 13, 17a; T23, R19, S29-90 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Mary Jane Cooper (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 43 years of age; wife, Mary Jane, age 43; daughter, Mary, age 15; daughter, Lydia E., age 13; son, William M., age 5; son, Clarence L., born Aug 9, 1904

1869-Apr 9 (Friday)-dies at about age 2 yrs at Duck creek (Powless Diary)

born 1869, allotment #21, father, James A. Wheelock; wife, Louise LaChapelle (married at Carlisle, Dec. 24, 1894)

Allotment-#21- age 18; Fee Claim 56, 26a; Fee Lot 16, 16.19a; T23, R19, S32-45 acres; listed as child of James A. Wheelock; wife, Louisa LaChapelle (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age
1906-July 10-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from J.C. Hart regarding petition for patent in fee simple to heirs of William Cornelius submitted by Sampson W. Cornelius and Dennison Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection--DOLM)
1906-Sept 17-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from J.C. Hart, Oneida forwarding application of Dennison Wheelock for patent in fee (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
1907-Jan 2-Receipt of Dennison Wheelock patent dated June 13, 1892 issued to Dennison Wheelock. Receipt signed by Louise Wheelock, a.k.a. Mrs. Dennison Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
1906-Oct 17-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Thos. Ryan, Dept. Of Interior submitting application of Dennison Wheelock, allottee #21 for patent in fee simple (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection)
1917-May 7 -Testified at competency hearings for fee patents. (McLaughlin Papers)
1917-Aug 7-Testified at competency hearings for fee patents (McLaughlin Papers)

1890-92-Allotment #415; listed as 10 years of age; Fee Lot 11, Sec 29, 7a & W1/2 Fee NW, NE; T23, R19, S32-27 acres; listed as adopted by John Wheelock
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 26 years of age

1890-92-Allotment #1340; 16 years old; Fee Lot C; T23, R19, S32-26 acres; entered as head of family

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; son, Joel, age 16; son, Hugh J., age 15; daughter, Celecia, age 14; daughter, Martha, age 12; son, Casper Lee, age 3; daughter, Inez G., age 1

1890-92-Allotment #416; Fee Pat 55682; listed as 7 years of age; Fee S1/2 SW, SE, Sec. 28 & Fee Lot 1, 6a; T23, R19, S33-26 acres; listed as child of Mason Wheelock
1899-1900-Listed as student at Hampton Institute
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age

1890-92-Allotment #311; listed as 68 years of age; Deeded Lot 11, 18a; Deeded Lot 29, 32a & Deeded NE, SE; T23, R18, S22-90 acres; listed as head of family; husband, Isaac (RG)

1885-June-listed on census, age 25
1890-92-Allotment #344; listed as 29 years of age; Fee Lot 3, 10a Fee N1/2 NW; T23, R18, S15-90 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Elsie Smith (RG)
1905-May 10-Correspondence to J.C. Hart from Larrabee, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding inherited Indian land deed executed by Kate Island, Henry Wheelock, and Martin F. Wheelock conveying to Mose Bender as surviving heirs of Abram Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 45 years of age (Note: married #1660)
1905-July 18-Correspondence to J.C. Hart from Larrabee regarding inherited Indian land deed from Henry Wheelock, Martin F. Wheelock and Kate Island conveying to Mose Bender (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
Ida McDonald Wheelock, allotment #17

Allotment-#17-Age 9; Fee Lot 14; T23, R19, S29 - 26 acres-child of James A. Wheelock
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 25 years of age

1850-Dec 24-son dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1885-June-listed on census, age 73; wife, Hannah(64); son, Wilson(11)

1845-Aug 6-son dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age.

born, 1849, died 1905, allotment #14,; wife, Sophia,
born 1863, died 1896; children: Louisa Wheelock, child of second wife, born 1887, died 1897;
Joel Wheelock, born 1889;
Hugh Wheelock, born 1891;
Cecelia Wheelock, born 1892;
Martha Wheelock, born 1894;
wife, Lena Webster born 1872;
wife's father, Abram Wheelock, wife's mother, Margaret Wheelock;
children: Casper Lee Wheelock, born 1901, Inez. G. Wheelock, born 1904. Louisa, Joel, Hugh, Cecelia and Martha, are children of James A. Wheelock, deceased, by his second wife, Sophia Metoxen, deceased, daughter of Abram Metoxen.
Wilson, Elias and Josephine Charles, are children of Julius Charles, deceased, by Sophia Metoxen, his wife, daughter of Abram Metoxen.
Julius Charles was the son of David Charles, deceased, and Hulda Charles. Julius Charles died in 1884.
Casper and Grace Wheelock, are children of James A. Wheelock, by his third wife, Lena Webster.
Cornelius Wheelock, Charles Wheelock, Dennison Wheelock, Celicia House, James Wheelock, and Ida McDonald, are children of James A. Wheelock, deceased by his first wife, Sophia Doxtator, deceased, daughter of Thomas Doxtator and Hulda Doxtator, who afterwards married David Charles.
James R. Wheelock, allotment #16, son of James A. Wheelock, Sophia Doxtater (daughter of Thomas Doxtater)

1860-Aug 25-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1860-Dec 23-marriage between James Wheelock & Sophia Doxtator (Episcopal church Records)
1866-Feb 16-son, Charles, born to James & Sophia Wheelock (Episcopal Church Records-Births)
1872-May 2-Chiefs settle case w/him and David Charles (Archiquette Diary)
1873-August - Buys new threshing machine (Archiquette Diary)
1885-June-listed on census, age 25
1885-June-listed on census, age 48(James A.); wife, Sophia(40); son, Charles(19); son, Dennison(14); daughter, Celicia(12); son, James(9); daughter, Ida(5)
1890-92-ALLOTMENT-#14; listed as age 52; Fee Claim 59 78a; Fee Lot 2, 12a; T23, R19, S28 - 90 acres; listed as head of family (A. [ Source])
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 44 years of age

1890-92-ALLOTMENT-#16; listed as 13; Fee Lot 17, 11a; T23, R19, S32-26 acres; listed as child of James A. Wheelock; wife, Susan Metoxen, alias Sophia Doxtater, Sophia Metoxen and Lena Webster, aka Ellen (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 29 years of age; daughter, Isabel E., age 3
1907-Feb 16-Correspondence to Commissioner from J.C. Hart forwarding application of J. Riley Wheelock for fee simple title for allotment #16 in the name of James Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1890-92-Allotment #1143; 29 years old; Fee Lot 10, Sec. 5, 22, 19 5a, Fee Se, Sw; T23, R19, S34accrues

1890-92-Allotment #367; listed as 20 years of age; Fee Lot 12, 4a Sec. 13 & Fee SW SE; T23, R18, S12-44 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock; husband, Peter Cornelius (RG)

1890-92-Allotment #83; listed as 2 years of age; Lot 8; T23, R19, S33-26 acres; listed as child of Solomon (Listed as Jenny, not Jennie L.); husband, Herbert Cornelius, Abenezer Hill (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age (Note: married #203) Joel Wheelock, allotment #19, father, James A. Wheelock; mother, Sophia Metoxen

Allotment-#19-age 1; Fee Lot 15, Sec. 29 14a; Fee Lot 8, 14a; T23, R19, S3228 acres; listed as child of James A. Wheelock

1869-Apr 26-Traded horses with Jane Smith (Archiquette Diary)
1885-June-listed on census, age 52; wife, Mary(46); daughter, Elizabeth(12); daughter, Nancy(11)
1890-92-Allotment #744; 17 years old; Deeded Lot 1, 11a Sec. 15, Deeded Lot 8, 18 18a; T23, R18, S10-39 Acres; child of Abram Wheelock
1900-Mar 7-dies (Episcopal Church Records)

1890-92-Allotment #1339; 56 years old; Fee Lot B, Sec. 32, 8 acres; NE, NW, Sec. 33; Fee Lot A, 2 acres; NE, SE; T23, R19, S21-90 acres; head of family

1890-92-Allotment #368; listed as 14 years of age; Fee lot 8; T23, R18, S13-26 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock; wife, Ida Powless (RG)

1885-June-listed on census, age 34
1890-92-Allotment #358; listed as 38 years of age; Fee Lot 12, Sec. 12, 23, 18, 5a; Fee NE, NW; T23, R19, S19-45 acres; listed as head of family
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 54 years of age

1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family Members: 1

1885-June-listed on census, age 22
1890-92-Allotment #357; listed as 26 years of age; Fee Claim 49, 52 a; Fee NE, NW; T23, R19, S18-92 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Hannah Wheelock (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 42 years of age; son, Elmer, age 15

1890-92-Allotment #419; listed as 2 years of age; Fee Lot 19, 18a & Fee Lot 3, 8a; T23, R19, S33-26 acres; listed as child of Mason Wheelock

1890-92-Allotment #417; listed as 6 years of age ; Fee Lot 2, T23, R19, S33-26 acres; listed as child of Mason Wheelock

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 74 years of age

1890-92-Allotment #86; listed as 2 years of age; Fee lot 15, 10a, sec. 32; Lot fee 12 16a; T23, R19, S29-26 acres; listed as child of Cornelius Wheelock

1889-1893-Listed as student at Hampton Institute
1885-June-listed on census, age 27 (Lehi)
1891-Aug 22-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Chas S. Kelsey regarding allotments to Lehi Wheelock, Celcia Hill and Joel Reid (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
1890-92-Allotment #373; listed as 31 years of age; Fee Lot E, Sec 21, 5a & Fee NW NE, 35, 13; T23, R20, S10-13 acres; wife, Eliza (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 47 years of age (Note: Lehi); wife, Eliza, age 42; son, Zach Scanandoah, age 15; son, Eli Scanandoah, age 14; daughter, Amanda Wheelock, age 7; daughter, Rebecca, (Note: born Apr 7, 1905)
Louisa Wheelock, born 1887, died, 1897, allotment #18; father, James A. Wheelock, mother, Sophia Metoxen Wheelock

Allotment-#18-Age 2-Fee Lot 1; T23, R19, S28 - 24 acres-child of James A. Wheelock

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 55 years of age; daughter, Lavinia, age 14; son, Sherman, age 15
1914-Nov 23-Authorization to approve checks for Lucinda Wheelock for full amount of deposit. Approved by E.B. Meritt (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1890-92-Allotment #370; listed as 10 years of age; Fee Lot 11 T23, R18, S13-26 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock; husband, Emanuel Powless (RG)
1896-1897-Listed as student at Hampton Institute
1914-Nov 23-Authorization to approve checks for Lydia Wheelock for full amount of deposit. Approved by E.B. Meritt (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1890-92-Allotment #745; 15 years old; Fee Lot 6; T23, R18, S10-26 acres; child of Abram Wheelock
1905-May 10-Correspondence to J.C. Hart from Larrabee, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding inherited Indian land deed executed by Kate Island, Henry Wheelock and Martin F. Wheelock, conveying to Mose Bender as surviving heirs of Abram Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age (Note: married # 2032?)
1905-July 18-Correspondence to J.C. Hart from Larrabee regarding inherited Indian land deed from Henry Wheelock, Martin F. Wheelock and Kate Island conveying to Mose Bender (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1885-June-listed on census, age 56; son, Abram(19); son, Peter(17)
1890-92-Allotment #413; listed as 60 years of age; Fee Lot 16, Sec. 18, 24, 20, 4.79 ac & Deeded SW, NE; T23, R19, S14-44 acres; 79/100ths

1890-92-Allotment #1064; 1 year old; Deeded Lot 19; T23, R18, S14-27 acres; child of Antone Wheelock

1885-June-listed on census, age 26; wife, Christine(22); son, Elijah(6); son, Foster(3); son, Julius(2)
1890-92-Allotment #414; listed as 30 years of age; Fee Claim 77, 30 a, Fee NW, SW, Sec. 22 & N. Fee SW, SE; T23, R19, S28-90 acres; listed as head of family
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 46 years of age; wife, Christine, age 42; son, Joshua, age 17; daughter, Mary Ann, age 15; son, Geiser, age 14; daughter, Josephine, born Dec 6, 1904; adopted daughter, Lily, age 2 (Note: #1237 Julia P.)

1890-92-Allotment #1341; 15 years old; Fee lot D, 6 acres E 1/2, Sw, NE; T23, R19, S32-26 acres; child of Elizabeth Wheelock
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age (Note: married #2078?)

1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family members: 1

1890-92-Allotment #371; listed as 9 years of age; Fee Lot 10, 10a; Fee Lot 16, 15a; T23, R18, S13-25 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock; husband, Charles Webster (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 25 years of age
1914-Nov 23-Authorization to approve checks for Olive Wheelock for full amount of deposit. Approved by E. B. Meritt (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1885-June-listed on census, age 26

1890-92-Allotment #696; 21 years old; Deeded NE, NW; T22, R19, S3-43 acres

1890-92-Allotment #1495; 17 years old; Fee Lot 20, Sec. 27-25 acres; T24, R19, S?-25 acres; son of Jonathan

1876-Sept 20 (Wednesday)-dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary)

1890-92-Allotment #313; listed as age 23; Lot 3, 35a & Lot 5, 9a; T23, R18, S27-44 acres; listed as separated from husband
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 39 years of age

1914-May 12-Sale of land by heirs of Ophelia skenandoah allotment. Heirs include Lena Charles, Abraham Skenandore, Zachariah Skenandore, Eli Skenandoah, Amanda Wheelock and Rebecca Wheelock (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1892-1899-Listed as student at Hampton Institute
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 28 years of age (Note: Doxtater); daughter, Mildred R., born March 13, 1905

1890-92-Allotment #369; listed as 12 years of age; Fee Lot 9, 14a; Fee Lot 8, 13a; T23, R18, S13-27 acres; listed as child of Thomas Wheelock; husband Chauncey Doxtater (RG)

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 48 years of age

1890-92-Allotment #658; 4/12 years old; Fee Lot 9; T24, R19, S19-28 acres; child of Thomas
1914-Nov 23-Authorization to approve checks for Sherman Wheelock for full amount of deposit. Approved by E.B. Meritt (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM)

1885-June-listed on census, age 26; wife, Rose(22)
1890-92-Allotment #82; listed as 30 years of age; E12 NE fee NW & N1/2 fee SE. NW, T23, R19, S21-40 acres; lot 7 fee sec 33 10a & SE fee NE, T23, R19, S28-50 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Rose Denny (RG)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 46 years of age; son, Frank, age 14

1875-Jan 21(Thursday)-child dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary)
1885-June-listed on census, age 41; wife, Lucinda(35); daughter, Jemima(16); son, Jonas(10); daughter, Rose(8); daughter, Lydia(6); son, Oliver(5); daughter, Charlotte(1)
1890-92-Allotment #366; listed as 45 years of age; Fee Claim 45; T23, R19, S20-90 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Lucinda Hill (RG)

1877-Feb 28 (Wednesday)-dies at about age 25, Duck Creek (Powless Diary)

1890-92-Allotment #314; listed as 1 year old; Deeded Lot 6; T23, R18, S27-26 acres; listed as child of and living with Jacob Denny

1890-92-Allotment #312; listed as 15 years of age; Deeded Lot 27, 18a & deeded Lot 28, 8a; T23, R18, S22-26 acres; listed as child of Hannah Wheelock

1890-92-Allotment #418; listed as 4 years of age; Fee Lot 17, 5a Fee Lot 18, 22a; T23, R19, S33-27 acres; listed as child of Mason Wheelock