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Johns Family of Oneida

Author: Susan G. Daniels copyright: 1999


Johns Family Name

Records used for this document include the Archiquette and Powless Diaries, census and annuity rolls, and the Episcopal Church Records: Births, Baptisms, Burials, Deaths and Marriages; allotment records; civil war records. There are discrepancies from one source to another.

The greatest challenge is to separate out names of individuals and spellings. For example: there may appear a Henry Stevens and Henry Stephens. It may be two spearate individuals, or two separate ways of spelling the name. Another approach in determining if more than one individual shares the same name, is to scrutinize the pattern of activity. For example, it would be difficult for John Doxtator to have fathered a child in 1853 if he was listed as having died in 1850. It would seem obvious it is a different John Doxtator.

The documents are not all inclusive. There were excerpts from the Episcopal Records. There may be many more pages. These documents are available at the University of Wisconsin Area Resource Center (7th floor) at the Coffrin Library.

This document will continue to be updated as information/resources become available. It is designed to provide a "beginning" for those interested in researching family members or particular individuals. The intent was to follow the time frame from 1821, the time Oneidas came to Wisconsin, until 1939, the time of the WPA project. This seems to be a sketchy period of time among the Oneida people. Very little written information is available.

While there may be other sources that discuss specific historical events, this document is intended to look at the people. Historical events can be concluded within this time frame by looking at the activity that occurred in individual's lives, such as the small pox epidemic. Pulling names and time periods will give a good indicator of who died and when during this epidemic.

The more information that is added to this document, the easier it is to see the inconsistencies. For example, a Mary Hill who was 34 on the 1885 census in not likely to be the same Mary Hill who is listed as 28 on the 1905 census.

Footnootes on entries symbolized with "RG" indicates information provided by Rose (Powless) Guyette. Spouses listed after allotment entries may not necessarily mean that person was married at the time of allotment to the spouse indicated, but through research on the part of Rose Guyette, became married at some point in time to the person indicated directly after the allotment entry.

Episcopal Church Records-Burials: It appears burials may have been registered in the name of the person who was responsible for the same. It may not necessarily mean it was that person that was buried, but rather possibly a family member.

1832-May 12-Marriage between Abram John and Julia Baird (Episcopal-Marriages).
1840-Jan 7-Marriage between Abram John and Theresa Hill (Episcopal - Marriages).
1856-Dec. 28-Marriage between Abram John and Margaret Hill (Episcopal-Marriages).
1860-Served in the U.S. Army in the War of 1861. Died in Oneida Wisconsin Oct. 16, 1870 (Episcopal).
1861-Jan 4-son, Daniel, born to Abram & Mrs. John (Episcopal Church Records)
1863-Mar 19-son, Martin, born to Abram & Margaret John (Episcopal Church Records)

1855-Apr. 15-Burial. Age: 66 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1870-Oct. 17-Burial. Age: 35 years (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHNS, ADAM (See Hira Johns)
1890-92-Allotment #549; 4 years old; Lot 23, 23a Lot X, 3a; T24, R19, S28-26 acres; child of Susan Johns
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age.
1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 21 years of age.

1864-Oct 19-killed by sister-in-law Dolly Stephens (Powless Diary)

1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 17 years of age.

1890-92-Allotment #235; listed a 1 year old; Fee Lot 5, 12a & Fee Lot 6, 14a; T23, R19, S34-26 acres; listed as child of Moses John 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age.

1890-92-Allotment #1124; 12 years old; "Johns"; Lot 17, 5a SE, NE; T24, R20, S31-45 acres; orphan child of Beatrice Hill, Martin Hill-Guardian
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 28 years of age
1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 29 years of age.

JOHNS, ANDERSON - D.O.B. 1888 - (Parents: Peter John and Elizabeth Denny)
1890-92-Allotment #967; 2 years old; Fee Lot 21, 5a & N ½ Fee SE, SE; T24, R19, S30-25 acres; child of Peter Johns
1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age.
1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 21 years of age.
1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age.
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 24 years of age.
1912-June 4-Marriage between Anderson Lloyd John and Alvira Palmer (Episcopal-Marriages).
1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 25 years of age; son, Oric A., born 10/26/1912.
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1888; son, Oric A., dob, 1912; daughter, Pearl E., dob, 1915; son, Arnold, dob, 1916; son, Albert M., dob, 1918.
1925-May 31-Marriage between Anderson John and Sa? Jane Swamp, 27 (Parents: Joseph Swamp and Phoebe Wheelock) (Episcopal-Marriages).

1860-Sept 23-marriage between Andrew John & Sophia Schuyler (Episcopal Church Records)

1830 Census of the First Christian Party. Family Members: 5 Listed as chief.
1832-Jan. 26-Baptism, son, Lewis, dob, November 26, 1831. Parents: Anthony and Hannah John (Episcopal-Baptisms).

1890-92-Allotment #547; 15 years old; Fee Lot 23; T24, R19, S29-26 acres; child of Susan Johns
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age
1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age.
1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; wife, Lavinia Schuyler, age 41; daughter, Josephine Schuyler, age 11; daughter, Florence Schuyler, age 9; son, Earl, age 6; son, Erin Peter, age 4.
1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 35 years of age; wife, Lavinia Schuyler, age 42; daughter, Josephine Schuyler, age 12; daughter, Florence Schuyler, age 10; son, Earl Schuyler, age 7; son, Erin Peter, age 5.
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age; wife, Lavinia Schuyler, age 44; step daughter, Josephine Schuyler, age 14; step daughter, Florence Schuyler, age 12; son, Earl, age 9; son, Erin Peter, age 7.
1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 38 years of age; wife, Lavinia Schuyler, age 45; step-daughter, Josephine Schuyler, age 15; step-daughter, Florence Schuyler, age 13; son, Earl, age 10; son, Erin Peter, age 8.
1918-Sept. 17-Marriage between Baptist John and Eliza Smith (Episcopal-Marriages).
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1875; son, Erin Peter, dob, 1904.

1882-Mar. 3-Burial. Age: 1 year (Episcopal-Burials).

1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age.
1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age.
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 21 years of age.
1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age.
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1891.

1831-July 26-Baptism, son, Abraham, dob, April 12, 1831. Parents: Catherine John (Episcopal-Baptisms)
1850-June 21 - Burial: Catherine Hill or John (Episcopal Church Records).

1855-Jan. 30-Burial. Age: 19 years (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHNS, CELICIA (Cecelia) - D.O.B. 1881 - (See Minor Johns)
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age; daughter, Mary, age 9; son, Howard, age 2; daughter, Luella, born 3/13/1912.
1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 32 years of age; daughter, Mary, age 10; son, Howard, age 3; daughter, Luella, age 1.
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1881; son, Howard, dob, 1909; daughter, Luella, dob, 1912; son, Sam Adam, dob, 1914; daughter, Daisy Fay, dob, 1916.

1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 41 years of age; daughter, Alice, age 16; daughter, Louisa, age 9; son, James, age 7; son, Cornelius, Jr., age 5.
1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 42 years of age; daughter, Louisa, age 10; daughter, James, age 8; son, Cornelius Jr., age 6.
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 44 years of age; daughter, Louisa, age 12; son, James, age 10; son, Cornelius Jr., age 8; son, Coy, age 6; daughter, Jennie, age 1.
1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 45 years of age; daughter, Louisa, age 13; son, James, age 11; son, Cornelius Jr., age 9; daughter, Jennie, age 2.
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1868; son, Cornelius, Jr., dob, 1909; daughter, Jennie, dob, 1910; son, Philip, dob, 1914.

1873-Oct. 5-Marriage between Cornelius John and Electa Parker (Episcopal-Marriages).
1884-Feb 14-marriage between Cornelius John and Esther Stevens (Episcopal-Marriages)
1885-June-listed on census, age 28; wife, Esther(13); son, Gilbert(with first wife)(8)
1890-92-Allotment #799; 32 years old; "Johns"; Fee Lot 2, 10a & Fee NE, SE, Sec. 36, 24, 18 & Fee 39.85 NW, SW; T24, R19, S31accrues; head of family
1896-Sept 21-Burial. Abby (Alice), daughter of Cornelius & Christine John. Age: 1 ½ years. (Episcopal Church Records-Burials)
1899-Aug 19-daughter, Cynthia, dies. Father: Cor.(?); Mother: Christine John (Episcopal Church Records)
1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 48 years of age; wife, Christine, age 37; daughter, Margaret, age 17; daughter, Ida, age 15; son, Benedict, age 14; daughter, Alice, age 12; daughter, Louisa, age 5; son, James, age 3; son, Cornelius, Jr., age 1; son, Cory, (Note: born Apr 22, 1906)
1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 49 years of age; wife, Christine, age 38; daughter, Margaret, age 18; daughter, Ida, age 16; son, Benedict, age 15; daughter, Alice, age 13; daughter, Louisa, age 6; son, James, age 4; son, Cornelius, Jr., age 2; son, Coy, born April 22, 1906.

1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 3 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 4 years of age.

JOHN, D - "His buttock in it"
1855-Jan 30-wife dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1856-June 27-dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1858-Oct 21-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)
1864-Mar 14-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)

1841-Jan. 24-Burial (Episcopal-Burials).

1847-Aug. 16-Burial. Age: 7 days (Episcopal-Burials).

1854-Aug. 25-Burial. Age: 3 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1855-June 27-Burial. Age: 20 years, 9 days (Episcopal-Burials).

1862-Sept. 12-Burial. Age: 1 year 6 months (Episcopal-Burials).

1862-Oct. 13-Burial. Age: 2 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1850-May 27-Marriage between David John and Kate Powless (Episcopal-Marriages). 1855-March 28-Marriage between David John and Mary Stevens (Episcopal-Marriages). 1856-Feb 6-son, Cornelius, born to David and Mary John (Episcopal Church Records) 1864-July 15-son, William John was sick and died at war (Powless Diary) 1865-Mar 8-son, Peter, born to David & Mary John (Episcopal Church Records) 1868-Feb 21-daughter, Margaret, born to David & Mary John (Episcopal Church Records-Births) 1872-Apr 29(Monday) - granddaughter, age 8 mos, dies Duck Creek (Powless) 1885-June-Listed on census, age 62; wife, Mary(57); daughter, Margaret(18) 1891-May 14-Marriage between David John and Jerusha Powless (Episcopal-Marriages). 1890-92-Allotment #1390; 66 years old; Lot 3, 6 acres, Sec. 25, NW, SE; T24, R18, S36-46 acres

JOHNS, DOLLY - D.O.B. 1839
1885-June-listed on census, age 47; son, Henry(19); son, Jerome(11) 1890-92-Allotment #1275; 51 years old; Fee Lots 15 and 16; T24, R19, S15-45 acres; 41002-07, unmarried widow 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 65 years of age. 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 66 years of age. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 69 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 70 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 72 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 73 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1839.

JOHNS, EARL - D.O.B. 1902
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1902.

1883-Aug. 19-Burial. Age: 23 years 7 months 4 days (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHNS, ELI - D.O.B. 1893
1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1893.

1834-Baptism-son, Elijah, dob October 16, 1834. Parents: Elijah and Selena John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1855-Jan. 1-Baptism. Son, Solomon, dob, Dec. 1, 1854. Parents: Elijah and Elizabeth John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1856-May 1-son, Elijah, born to Elijah & Elizabeth John (Episcopal Church Records) 1885-June-listed on census, age 51; wife, Elizabeth(46) 1890-92-Allotment #506; 55 years old; Fee Lot 15, 10a Fee Sw, NE, Sec. 21 & Fee NE, SE; T24, R19, S19-90 acres; head of family 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 70 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 66. 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 71 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 67. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 74 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 70. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 75 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 71.

1861-Aug. 29-Burial. Age: 20 years. Cause: Frozen (Episcopal-Burials).

1869-Sept. 24-Burial. Age: 13 years 3 months 14 days (Episcopal-Burials).

b 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age. Son of Peter Johns. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 23 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1890; wife, Melinda A., dob, 1895.

b 1890-92-Allotment #711; 8 years old; Fee Lot 5, T24, S19, S21-26 acres; Child of Mary, Daughter of Jos. Metoxen 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 23 years of age.

bb 1873-Oct 10(Friday)-died at about age 85, Duck Creek (Powless Diary) 1873-Oct. 12-Burial. Age: 87 years. Cause: (Episcopal-Burials).

1890-92-Allotment #548; Fee Pat 60379, May 11, 1909; years old; Fee Lot 22, 9a Sec. 29 Fee Lot 22, 17a; T24, R19, S28-26 acres; child of Susan Johns (File 14606-09)

1864-Mar. 15-Burial. Age: 1 year (Episcopal-Burials).

1878-Oct. 3-Burial. Age: 1 year 6 months 21 days (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, GUY - D.O.B. 1906 - D.O.D. 1975
1906-Date of Birth 1975-December 31-Date of Death. Interment: Oneida Methodist Church Cemetery. Wife: Naomi (Webster). Children: Mary, Hilma, Beulah, Susan, Irene, Jane, Dorothy, Clara, Valdor.

1865-Apr 7-son dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)

1846-daughter, Christine, born to Hannah John (Episcopal Church Records) 1846-Sept. 27-Baptism. Daughter, Christine. Parents: Hannah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1847-Dec. 17-Burial. Age: 27 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1835-June 21-Baptism-son, Daniel, dob, June 17, 1835. Parents: Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1838-Sept 10-child, Torari(?), born to Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal Church Records) 1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family members: 4 1839-Mar. 10-Baptism-child, Torari, dob, September 10, 1838. Parents: Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1840-July 27-son, Elijah, born to Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal Church Records) 1840-Sept. 27-Baptism-son, Elijah, dob, July 27, 1840. Parents: Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1845-Aug 23-dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1845-Aug 24-Burial. Age: 32 years (Episcopal-Burials). 1887-Baptism-son, Abram, dob, January 8, 1887. Parents: Henry and Lucy John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1888-Nov. 4-Marriage between Henry John and Elizabeth Skenadore (Episcopal-Marriages). 1890-92-Allotment #265; listed as 24 years of age; Fee SE, NE, Sec. 15, Fee SW, NW 14, 23, 19 N1/4 SE, SW. Lot 28 Fee; T24, R19, S29-90 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Elizabeth Skenandore Webster (RG) 1894-Oct 27-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from U.S. Indian Agent regarding patents for...Henry Johns...(Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM) 1898-Jan 18-daughter, Ellen dies at 17 mos. Father: Henry; Mother: Elizabeth (Episcopal Church Records) 1898-Jan 19-Burial. Ellen, daughter of Henry & Elizabeth John. Age: 17 mos. DOD: Jan 18 Officiating: F. W. Merrill (Episcopal Church Records-Burials) 1899-Dec 19-dies (Episcopal Church Records)

b 1865-June 16-Marriage between Henry John and Huldah Cornelius (Episcopal-Marriages). 1866-June 1-daughter, Lucy, born to Henry J. H. & Huldah John (Episcopal church Records-Births) 1885-June-Listed on census, age 45; daughter, Lucy(19); daughter, Olive(14); daughter, Jemima(11); son, Hyson(8)

1890-92-Allotment #649; 23 years old; Fee Lot 2, 4 10a & ½ Fee NW, NE 37, 30; T23, R18, S1-41 acres

1890-92-Allotment #1130; 49 years old; Claim 164, 23a Claim 164A, 3a Fee Lot 3, 23a Fee Se, NW; T23, R19, S12-89 acres; head of family.

JOHNS, HIRA - D.O.B. 1885
1909-June 30-Census. (Adam). Listed as 24 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 25 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 27 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 28 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1885.

1826-February 1-Listed as signatory on treaty signed at City of Albany, 2nd Christian Party, aka Pagan Party. Payment to those Oneidas after moving to Green Bay. 1841-Aug. 3-Marriage between Honyost John and Sarah Denny (Episcopal Church Records). 1860-Served in U.S. Army in the War of 1860. Co. D 21st Reg. Wisconsin Volunteers-died in the South, August 1864 (aka Darby) (Episcopal) 1861-Sept 10-daughter, Jerusha, born to Honyost & Sophia John (Episcopal church Records) 1862-June 15-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1864-Aug-took sick and died at war (Powless Diary) -"son of Old Electa Denny"

1880-Aug 21 (Saturday)-wife of Henry John, dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary) 1880-Aug. 21-Burial. Age: 34 years 3 months 24 days (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHNS, HYSON - D.O.B. 1879
1890-92-Allotment #1132; 11 years old; Fee Lot 6; T23, R19, S12-26 acres; child of Henry Johns 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 26 years of age; wife, Jane, age 20; son, Allen (Note: born Oct 7, 1904): son, Henry, (Note: born Dec 26, 1905, died same day) 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 27 years of age; wife, Jane, age 21, daughter, Houlter, age 1. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age; wife, Jane, age 24; daughter, Huldah, age 4; son, Isadore, born Dec. 2, 1908. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age; wife, Jane, age 25; daughter, Huldah, age 5; son, Isadore, age 1. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 33 years of age; wife, Jane, age 27; daughter, Huldah, age 7; son, Isadore, age 3; daughter, Irene R., born 3/28/1911, age 1. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; wife, Jane, age 28; daughter, Huldah, age 8; son, Isadore, age 4; daughter, Irene E., age 2. 1918-June 20-Hilda Johns, daughter of Hyson Johns, dies at age 14 (Episcopal Church Records). 1918-Hobart John, son of Hyson John, dies from pneumonia at age 1 year (Episcopal Church Records). 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1879; wife, Jane, dob, 1885; son, Isadore, dob, 1908; daughter, Irene E., dob, 1911; son, Jasper, dob, 1913; daughter, Irene Reba, dob, 1915; son, Hobert, dob, 1917; son, Irvin, dob, July 8, 1919.

1923-December 24-Date of Birth 1990-June 16-Date of Death.

JOHNS, IDA - D.O.B. 1889
1890-92-Allotment #802; 2/12 years old; Fee Lot 5, 3a Sec. 31, 24, 19; Fee Lot 1, 23; T24, R18, S36-26 acres; child of Cornelius Johns. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 22 years of age; daughter, Curtis, born 8/25/1911 (illegit). 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 23 years of age; son, Curtis, age 1; son, Martin, born 5/4/1913 (illegit). 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1889; son, Curtis, dob, 1911; son, Martin, dob, 1913; son, Elias, dob, 1916; daughter, Sunrise, dob, 1917.

1830-Dec. 26-Baptism-son, Abraham, dob, December 6, 1830. Parents: Isaac and Sarah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1834-Baptism-daughter, Margaret, dob, April 25, 1834. Parents: Isaac and Sarah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1837-Sept. 17-Baptism-daughter, Jane, dob, September 7, 1837. Parents: Isaac and Sarah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family members: 6 1855-May 22-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1860-Nov 25-dies in accident while intoxicated, Duck Creek (Powless Diary) 1860-Nov. 26-Burial. Age: 56 years. Cause: Fell out of wagon while drunk (Episcopal-Burials). 1862-July 17-daughter dies at Duck Creek (Powless) - "Isaac Johns" 1866-May 16-wife dies at Duck Creek (Powless) -"father of, or wife"

JOHNS, ISAAC - D.O.B. 1876
1890-92-Allotment #232; age 12; Fee Lot 2, 24a & Fee Lot 3, 2a; T23, R19, S34-26 acres; child of Moses John; wife, Julia House (RG) 1903-June 23-Marriage between Isaac John and Julia House (Episcopal-Marriages). 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 29 years of age; wife, Julia, age 27 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age; wife, Julia, age 28. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 33 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 36 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1876.

JOHN, ISAAC - D.O.D. 1873
1873-Feb 21-froze to death at age 70, Duck Creek (Powless Diary)

1858-Nov. 3-Burial. Age: 1 year (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, ISADORE - Parents: Jyson and Jennie John
1933-May 18-Marriage between Isadore John (24) and Alvina Wheelock (17)-Parents: Kaiser and Ella Wheelock. (Episcopal).

JOHNS, JAMES - D.O.D. 1902
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1902.

JOHN, JANE - D.O.B. 1840
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1840.

1890-92-Allotment #230; listed as 16 years of age; Fee Lot 21; T23, R19, S26-27 acres; listed as child of Moses John

JOHN, JASPER - Parents: Hyson and Jennie John
1933-May 18-Marriage between Jasper John (19) and Mildred Metoxen (18)-Parents: Henry and Jeannette Metoxen (Episcopal).

JOHNS, JENNIE H. - D.O.B. 1883
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1883; daughter, Clorinda, dob, 1904; daughter, Ellen, dob, 1905; daughter, Dorothy, dob, 1911.

1890-92-Allotment #1131; 15 years old; Fee Lot 4, 17a Fee 7, 9a; T23, R19, S12-26 acres; child of Henry Johns

JOHNS, JEROME - D.O.B. 1875b
1890-92-Allotment #1276; 15 years old; Lot 14, Sec. 1-23-18, 4 acres; Lot 14 or NW ½ NW, SW 20 acres; T24, R19, S29-24 acres; child of Dolly Johns 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age, wife, Jennie Huff, age 22; daughter of wife, Clorinda M., age 1; daughter, Ellen (Note: Born Oct 9, 1905) 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age; wife, Jennie, age 23; daughter of wife, Clorinda M, age 2; daughter, Ellen, born Oct. 9, 1905. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; wife, Jennie, age 26; daughter, Clorinda M., age 5; daughter, Ellen, age 3; daughter, Lavinia, born Dec. 17, 1908. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 35 years of age; wife, Jennie, age 27; daughter, Clorinda M., age 6; daughter, Ellen, age 4. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age; wife, Jennie H., age 29; daughter, Clorinda M., age 8; daughter, Ellen, age 6; daughter, Dorothy, born 3/23/1911, age 1. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 38 years of age; wife, Jennie H., age 30; daughter, Clorinda M., age 9; daughter, Ellen, age 7; daughter, Dorothy, age 7. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1875.

JOHNS, JOHN - "Lugging a Skull"
1847-Aug 15-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1847-Aug. 17-Baptism. Son, Daniel, dob, Aug. 15, 1846. Parents: John John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1850-Jan 19-son dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1885-June-listed on census, age 63; wife, Sally(60) 1890-92-Allotment #867; 67 years old; Deeded Lot 5, Sec. 1, 15 70a Deeded Lot 22, 32a & Deeded SE, SW; T23, R18, S11-87 acres; head of family; 70/100ths

1880-Nov. 12-Burial. Age: 1 year 7 months (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, JONATHAN - D.O.B. 1898 - (Parents: Louisa John)
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1898. 1926-May 10-Marriage between Jonathan John and Sadie Stevens (Parents: Lillie Baird) (Episcopal-Marriages).

1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1901.

1890-92- Allotment #712; 13 years old; Fee Lot 6, 14a Fee Lot 7, 12a; T24, R19, S21-26 acres; child of Solomon Johns 1903-June 23-Marriage between Joshua Johns and Lavinia King (Episcopal-Marriages). 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 29 years of age; wife, Lavinia King, age 26; son, Benjamin, age 1; daughter, Doris (Note: born March 3, 1906) 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age; wife, Lavinia, age 27; son, Benjamin, age 2; daughter, Doris, born March 3, 1906. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 33 years of age; wife, Lavinia, age 30; son, Benjamin, age 5; daughter, Doris, age 3. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; wife, Lavinia, age 31; son, Benjamin, age 6; daughter, Doris, age 4. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 36 years of age; wife, Lavinia, age 33; son, Benjamin, age 8; daughter, Doris, age 6. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age; wife, Lavinia, age 34; son, Benjamin, age 9; daughter, Doris, age 7. 1917-July 24 - reported as signing application for fee patent (McLaughlin Papers) 1917-July 24-Correspondence to Major James McLaughlin and Mr. Frank E. Brandon from Cato Sells regarding extension of trust periods and investigation of conditions on reservation. Signatures of...Joshua Johns requesting issuance of fee patents (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM) 1917-Aug 7-signed application for fee patent (McLaughlin Papers). 1919-Oct. 21-Marriage between Joshua Johns and Rose Baird (Episcopal-Marriages). 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1876; wife, Rose Baird, dob, 1891; step son, David Baird, dob, 1909; step daughter, Sarah Baird, dob, 1910; step son, Mike Baird, dob, 1913; son, Benjamin, dob, 1904; daughter, Doris, dob, 1906; daughter, Felicia, dob, 1917.

JOHNS, JULIA - D.O.B. 1878
1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 32 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 35 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1878.

1844-Dec 26-daughter, Leah, born to Kate John (Episcopal Church Records) 1845-Jan. 26-Baptism. Daughter, Leah, dob, Dec. 26, 1844. Parents: Kate John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 36 years of age 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age. 1906-Oct 16-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Thos. Ryan, Dept of Interior for partition of allotment #281 between William John and his divorced wife, Katie John (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM). 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 40 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 41 years of age. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 43 years of age. JOHN, KATE 1858-Nov. 3-Burial. Age: 1 year (Episcopal-Burials).

1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1894. 1922-May 8-Marriage between Lawrence Johns and Lillian Elm (Episcopal-Marriages).

JOHNS, MRS. LAWRENCE (Lillian) - D.O.B. 1895 - D.O.D.
1959 1895-September 12-Date of Birth 1920-May 28-Marriage between Lawrence Johns and Lillian (nee ?) 1959-Date of Death. Interment: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Cemetery; Oneida. Husband: Lawrence Johns. Children: Larry, Geraldine, Myrtle, Neva Mae.

1880-Sept. 5-Burial. Age: 7 months (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, LEONARD - D.O.B. 1892 - Parents: Louisa John (Hill)
1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age. Son of Louisa Johns. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 20 years of age. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 21 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1892. 1929-April 10-Marriage between Leonard John (35) and Margaret House (18)-Parents: Joel and Lydia (Webster) House. (Episcopal).

1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1900.

JOHN, LOUIS - SWIFT LIKE FIRE - religious man
1830 Census of the First Christian Party. Family Members: 8 1871-July 21(Friday)-died at 87 years old, Duck Creek (Powless diary) 1871-July 21-Burial. Age: 84 years. Cause: (Episcopal-Burials).

1869-Apr. 29-Burial. Age: 7 months 13 days (Episcopal-Burials).

1890-92-Allotment #1389; 18 years old; Lot 13; T23, R18, S1-16 acres; Lot 4; T24, R19, S36-32 acres; 41002-07 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 32 years of age; son, Leonard, age 13; son, Lawrence, age 11; son, Jonathan, age 7; daughter, Celinda, age 2 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 33 years of age; son, Leonard, age 14; son, Lawrence, age 12; son, Jonathan, age 8; daughter, Celinda, age 3. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 36 years of age; son, Leonard, age 17; son, Lawrence, age 15; son, Jonathan, age 11; daughter, Celinda, age 6; son, Noron, age 2. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age; son, Lawrence, age 16; son, Jonathan, age 12; daughter, Celinda, age 7; son, Noron, age 3.

1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1900.

1890-92-Allotment #233; listed as 8 years of age; Fee pat 56030; Fee Lot 4; T23, R19, S34-26 acres; listed as child of Moses John; a.k.a. Alida Coulon, husband, Coulon (RG)

1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 25 years of age 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 26 years of age.

1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1901.

b 1890-92-Allotment #801; 2 years old; Fee Lot 6; T24, R19, S31-26 acres; child of Cornelius Johns

1863-May 19-Burial. Age: 20 years, 9 months, 7 days (Episcopal-Burials).

1890-92-Allotment #220; listed as 20 years of age; deeded NE, NE 31.75 & deeded Lot 10, 13a; T23, R19, S1-44 acres; 75/100ths

1838 Census of Orchard Party residing at Duck Creek. Listed with 1 family member.

1863-June 8-Burial. Age: 1 month (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, MARY - D.O.D. 1899
1838 Census of Orchard Party residing at Duck Creek. Listed with 1 family member. 1840-Nov 17-son, William, born to Mary John (Episcopal church Records) 1840-Dec. 25-Baptism-son, William, dob, November 17, 1840. Parent: Mary John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1842-October 23-Baptismal. Son, Anthony, dob, September 6, 1842. Parents: Mary John (Episcopal-Baptisms) 1899-Sept 29-dies (Episcopal Church Records)

1866-Nov. 2-Burial. Age: 3 years (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHNS, MARY - D.O.B. 1902
1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1902.

1876-Feb. 24-Burial. Age: 3 months (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, MICHAEL P. - D.O.B. 1949 - D.O.D. 1993 - Parents: Patricia John
1949-December 22-Date of Birth 1993-February 22-Date of Death. Interment: Holy Apostles Church Cemetery; Oneida.

JOHNS, MINOR - D.O.B. 1875
1890-92-Allotment #231; listed as 14 years of age; Fee Lot 7, Sec. 35, 10a & Fee Lot 1, 16a; T23, R19, S34-26 acres; listed as child of Moses John; wife, Celicia Hill (RG) 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 30 years of age; wife, Celecia, age 24; daughter, Nettie, age 6; son, McKenzie, age 4; daughter, Mary, age 2; daughter, Effie (Note: born Apr 7, 1905) 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 31 years of age; wife, Celecia, age 25; daughter, Nettie, age 7; son, McKenzie, age 5; daughter, Mary, age 3; daughter, Effie, born April 7, 1905. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 34 years of age; wife, Celicia, age 28; daughter, Nettie, age 10; son, McKenzie, age 8; daughter, Mary, age 6; daughter, Effie, age, 4; daughter, Jemima V., age 2. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 35 years of age; wife, Celicia, age 29; daughter, Nettie, age 11; son, McKenzie, age 9; daughter, Mary, age 7; daughter, Effie, age 5; daughter, Jemima V., age 3; son, Howard, born 7/18/1909. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 37 years of age; daughter, Nettie, age 13; son, McKenzie, age 11; daughter, Effie, age 7; daughter, Jemima V., age 5. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 38 years of age; daughter, Nettie, age 14; son, McKenzie, age 13; daughter, Effie, age 8; daughter, Jemima V., age 6. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1875; daughter, Effie, dob, 1905; daughter Jemima V., dob, 1907.

1861-Aug 21-son, Elijah John dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary)

1835-Jan. 13-Marriage between Moses John and Kate House (Episcopal-Marriages). 1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family Members: 1 1876-Sept. 23-Burial. Age: 60 years (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, MOSES - D.O.B. 1853
1885-June-listed on census, age 33; wife, Mary(37); daughter, Jane(12); son, Miner(10); son, Isaac(8); daughter, Lucretia(4) 1890-92-Allotment #229; listed as 36 years of age; Fee Lot 5, 12a & Fee Lot 6, 30a; T23, R19, S35; Fee NW, SW, Section 14 & Fee Lot 22, 8a; T23, R19, S26-90 acres; listed as head of family; wife, Mary Silas, Elizabeth (RG) 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 52 years of age; wife, Mary, age 57; daughter, Amelia, age 17 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 53 years of age; wife, Mary, age 58. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 56 years of age; wife, Mary, age 61. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 57 years of age; wife, Mary age 62. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 59 years of age; wife, Mary, age 64. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 60 years of age; wife, Mary, age 65. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1853; wife, Mary, 1848.

1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1900.

1840-Jan. 9-Burial. Age: 20 (Episcopal-Burials).

1930-Burial: 6/18/1930. Cause of death: Premature birth. D.O.D. 6/16/1930 (Episcopal Church Records-Burials).

1941-Dec. 10-WPA Questionnaire for Employment Survey. Listed as age 35; full blood Oneida; attended Pine Grove District School. Trade: Employment History: Assistant Cheese Maker (1920-1921); Laborer (1921-1936); WPA-laborer (1937-1941).

1830-Feb 2-Listed as entitled to annuity on Census for First Christian Party-Green Bay. Family members: 11

1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family members: 3 1885-June-listed on census, age 76 1890-92-Allotment #378; listed as 80 years of age; Deeded Lot 11, Sec. 26, 15a & Deeded Claim 186, 29a; T24, R19, S35-44 acres

JOHN, PETER - D.O.D. 1864
1833-Baptism-daughter, Rachel. Parents: Peter and Sarah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1838-Mar 3-daughter, Elizabeth, born to Peter and Sarah John (Episcopal Church Records) 1838-March 25-Baptism-daughter, Elizabeth, dob, March 3, 1838. Parents: Peter and Sarah John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1838 Census of the First Christian Party at Duck Creek. Family members: 8 1857-Jan 30-granddaughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1857-Mar 10-sister dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1864-Mar 28-dies at Duck Creek (Powless Diary) te ho trbis aran - has glass around him 1864-Mar. 29-Burial. Age: 73 years. Cause: (Episcopal-Burials).

b 1885-June-listed on census, age 21 1887-Nov. 20-Marriage between Peter John and Elizabeth Denny (Episcopal-Marriages). 1890-92-Allotment #966; 25 years old; Fee Lot 2, 30 a E ½ NE, NW Fee Sec. 31, 24, 19 Fee SW, NE; T24, R18, S36-90 acres; head of family 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 41 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 36; son, Anderson, age 17; son, Elijah, age 15; son, Loomis, age 5 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 42 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 37; son, Elijah, age 16; son, Loomis, age 6. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 45 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 40; son, Loomis, age 9. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 46 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 41; son, Loomis, age 10. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 48 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 43; son, Loomis, age 12. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 49 years of age; wife, Elizabeth, age 44; son, Loomis, age 13.

JOHN, PHOEBE - D.O.D. 1897
1848-Jan. 14-Baptism. Son, William, dob, Dec. 8, 1847. Parents: Phebe John (Episcopal-Baptisms). 1885-June-listed on census, age 70; adopted son, Jacob(15) 1890-92-Allotment #1236; 74 years old; Deeded Lot 25, 5 acres; Deeded SW, SW; T23, R18, S11-45 acres 1897-Dec 28-dies at age 84 (Episcopal Church Records) 1897-Dec 30-Burial. Age: 84 years DOD: Dec 28 Officiating: F. W. Merrill (Episcopal Church Records-Burials)

1890-92- Allotment #234; age 3; died a year ago

1897-July 1-Burial. DOD : June 30, 1897. Officiating: F. W. Merrill (Episcopal Church Records-Burials) 1897-June 30-dies (Episcopal Church Records)

JOHN, RENA - D.O.B. 1911 - D.O.D. 1980 - Parents: Hyson and Jennie John
(See Comey Denny). 1911-March 27-Date of Birth. 1944-Marriage between Comey Denny and Rena John 1980-January 16-Date of Death. Interment: Holy Apostles Church Cemetery; Oneida. Husband: Comey Denny. Children: Mary, Martha, Yvonne, Lida, Wilma, Betsy. Rena was active in the Oneida Center for Aging. Her first husband, Freeman Parkhurst, preceded her in death.

1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 19 years of age.

1857-Mar. 12-Burial. Age: 35 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1866-May 18-Burial. Age: 56 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1842-May 1-Burial. Age: 3 months Son of Sally John (Episcopal-Burials). 1842-May 1-son died age 3 months (Episcopal church Records)

1874-June 3-died at age 74, she was only sick 3 or 4 days, Duck Creek (Powless Diary) 1874-June 5-Burial. Age: 75 years (Episcopal-Burials). "Sarah"

1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 18 years of age.

JOHNS, SELINA - Parents: Louisa Johns
1932-Jan. 21-Marriage between Selina Johns (28) and Leonard Joseph Verbruggen (27) (Episcopal).

1872-Dec 2-Took 2nd B.b. Bass (Archiquette Diary) 1873-Apr 16 - B. b. Bass (Archiquette Diary). 1875-Dec. 5-Marriage between Solomon John and Margaret Johnson (Episcopal-Marriages). 1885-June-listed on census, age 31; son, Joshua(9); daughter, Eliza(4) 1890-92-Allotment #710; 35 years old; Fee Claim 136; T23, R19, S3-90 acres; head of family, married 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 51 years of age 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 52 years of age.

1885-June-Listed on census, age 33; son, Baptist(11); daughter, Elizabeth(4) 1890-92-Allotment #546; 37 years old; Fee Lot 24, 5a & Fee Se, Se; T24, R19, S29-45 acres; Not Head of Family, lives in adultery 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 53 years of age; son, William, age 8. 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 54 years of age; son, William, age 9. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 57 years of age; son, William, age 12. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 58 years of age; son, William, age 13. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 60 years of age; son, William, age 15.

1878-Oct. 6-Burial. Age: 95 years (Episcopal-Burials).

1838 Census of Orchard Party residing at Duck Creek. Listed with 1 family member. 1854-Nov. 19-Marriage between Thomas John and Phoebe Skenendo (Episcopal-Marriages). 1856-Feb. 3-Marriage between Thomas John and Jane Swamp (Episcopal-Marriages). 1858-Nov 1-son dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1861-Feb 14-son, Daniel, born to Thomas & Jane John (Episcopal Church Records) 1862-Sept 11-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless Diary) 1863-Jan 22-daughter, Mary, born to Thomas & Jane John (Episcopal Church Records) 1865-Apr 14-son, Henry, born to Thomas & Jane John (Episcopal Church Records) 1866-Nov 1-daughter dies at Duck Creek, Green Bay (Powless) -"Thomas K. John" 1869-Apr 16- sells oxen to B. Smith for land 1873-Aug 23-Gives Archiquette a half ton of hay (Archiquette Diary) 1873-Oct 21-Witness to Joshua Parkhurst/John Archiquette loan (Archiquette Diary) 1885-June-listed on census, age 50; wife, Jane(45); son, Henry(20) 1890-92-Allotment #1423; 54 years old; Fee Claim 104; Lot 18, 35 acres; T23, R19, S5-90 acres; head of family 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 69 years of age; wife, Jane, age 65 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 70 years of age; wife, Jane, age 66. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 73 year of age; wife, Jane, age 69. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 74 years of age; wife, Jane, age 70. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 76 years of age; wife, Jane, age 72. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 77 years of age; wife, Jane, age 73.

1885-June-listed on census, age 24 1890-92-Allotment #733; 28 years old; Lot 12, Less RR 30a; T24, R18, S35; Fee Lot 24, Sec. 11, 23, 18, 10a Fee Lot 36, 5; T24, R19, S30-45 acres 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 44 years of age; wife, Esther, age 45; son, Albert, age 5. 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 45 years of age; wife, Esther, age 46; son, Albert, age 6. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 48 years of age; wife, Esther, age 49; son, Albert, age 9. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 49 years of age; wife, Esther, age 50; son, Albert, age 10. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 51 years of age; wife, Esther, age 52; son, Albert, age 12. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 52 years of age; wife, Esther, age 53; son, Albert, age 13. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1861; wife, Esther, dob, 1860.

1832-Jan. 28-Burial. Age: 5 years, 6 months (Episcopal-Burials).

JOHN, WILLIAM - Son of David John
1860-Served in U.S. Army in War of 1860. Co. F 32nd Reg. Wisconsin Volunteers-died at Decatus, Alabama, July 15, 1864.

1885-June-listed on census, age 22 1885-August 16-marriage between William John & Catherine (Episcopal Church Records) 1890-92-Allotment #281; listed as 26 years of age (Johns); Fee S.E, SE, Sec. 1 Fee NW, NE, Sec. 12, 23, 18; Fee Lot 3, 10a; T24, R18, S24-90 acres; listed as head of family; a.k.a. William C. Johns, wife, Lucinda Hill (RG) 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 42 years of age 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 43 years of age. 1906-Oct 16-Correspondence to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Thos. Ryan, Dept of Interior for partition of allotment #281 between William John and his divorced wife, Katie John (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM) 1906-Dec 12-Correspondence to Commissioner of General Land Office correcting error in description in patent issued to William Johns, allotment #281(Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM) 1907-March 4-Transmittal of fee patent #281 in favor of William Johns (Ernie Stevens Sr. Collection-DOLM). 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 46 years of age; wife, Lucinda, age36; adopted daughter, Kate Parker, age 6. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 47 years of age; wife, Lucinda, age 37; adopted daughter, Kate Parker, age 7. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 49 years of age; wife, Lucinda, age 39; adopted daughter, Kate Parker, age 9. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 50 years of age; wife, Lucinda, age 40; adopted daughter, Kate Parker, age 10; adopted son, Coy Johns, age 7. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1863; adopted son, Coy Johns, dob, 1906.

1890-92-Allotment #800; 12 years old; Fee Lot 7, 11a & Fee Lot 8, 15a; T24, R19, S31-26 acres; child of Cornelius Johns; 46493-08; 46494-08 1905-June 30-Census. Listed as 28 years of age. 1906-June 30-Census. Listed as 29 years of age. 1909-June 30-Census. Listed as 32 years of age. 1910-June 30-Census. Listed as 33 years of age; son, William Jr., born June 3, 1909. 1912-June 30-Census. Listed as 35 years of age; son, William Jr., age 3. 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 36 years of age; son, William Jr., age 4. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1877; son, William Jr., dob, 1909; son, Marvin Joseph, dob, 1913; son, Clarence C., dob, 1915; daughter, Evelyn, dob, 1917.

b 1913-June 30-Census. Listed as 16 years of age. 1920-June 30-Census. Listed dob 1897.