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to the redesigned

Ontario Stepfamily Association web site!

     For those of you outside our Provincial border, please take heart.  Our services are every bit as relevant.   With your continued encouragement and support, the OSA will soon evolve to become The Canadian Stepfamily Foundation.

     Our mandate has grown significantly since our launch in 1998, particularly with the intensive involvement of stepchildren. 

     This site has been created to provide stepparents, stepchildren and indeed the entire extended stepfamily, or blended family, with a variety of suggestions and advice.  It's presented with the understanding that the OSA is not rendering any psychological or professional services, though wherever possible, professionals have been consulted in the preparations of the material.   This information is here by presented without any warranty or guarantee of any kind, expressed, or implied.  It's never possible to cover every eventuality or situation.  Where necessary, the seeker of greater specialized advice should consult a registered professional counselor in their area.

     We also invite you to send us your questions and stories.  All stepchildren who wish to send in either a story or picture are also invited to do so as there will eventually be pages reserved just for you, highlighting your concerns and shared contributions.

     Complete membership information is available further on.  Membership extends to the ENTIRE family, and with the soon to come online stepfamily magazine; STEPFAMILY LIFE, we encourage you to become an extended member of OUR family.  Feel free to email us at any time

Enjoy your visit with us!

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website created 1999 by Greg Blakeley