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American Film Club

One of the ways we are getting to know the people in our community is through the American Film Club. John and Linda have been coordinating it--we take turns choosing movies and preparing discussions. It draws people who want to practice their English and want something to do (for free!) on Friday nights. We watch movies and then discuss themes from the movies, reflecting back on Who God is. These pictures are from late January 2003, when we showed "A Walk to Remember." We had about a dozen Ukrainians come that night.

Purim, Eli, Olga and Andrei

The Filmmaster

We have a projector that will show videos on a big screen. Each week we bring our VCR and our friend Igor brings his speakers, and they are constantly tweaking their set up to have the film quality and sound just right.

Our teammate, Laura

Discussion Time

Olga and Andrei discussing how faith changes people.

Linda, Igor, Laura, and Pavel

Linda, the Hostess with the Mostest

What's a movie without snacks?!

Linda always offers snacks, and often makes homemade chocolate chip cookies. These are a real treat because we cannot buy chocolate chips! She also imports brown sugar because what is available here is expensive and doesn't seem to work right in cookie recipes.