Hannahs Horsey Headquarters
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Chilly Billy

How can you tell if your pony is cold?

# Feel his ears. If the base of a ponies ears are cold then its likely that the rest of him is cold too. You know what its like - if your feet are cold, your feel shivery all over.

# Watch out for weight loss. If he starts to look thin, or his coat starts to look very thick and dull instead of sleak and shiny, the food you give him may not be enough to maintain his weight and keep him warm as well. Step up the rations, keep to your worming programme and monitor his progress. A New Zealand Rug will keep him warm and dry, but don't forget to take it off regularly to check his condition and ensure that he is not suffering from rubs.

# He looks tucked up or may even shiver. A horse standing with his head down and his back up, looking as though he is hunched up and holding his breath, is 'tucked up'. Again a New Zealand rug should help but if he doesn't show an improvement you should call your vet. He may be tucked up for another reason than the cold - it could be early signs of colic for example.