Hannahs Horsey Headquarters
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Sweet Itch

Sweet Itch is an allergic reaction to midge bites. You will know that your pony is suffering from this by checking his mane and tail for bald patches and scabby weeping sores (he will also be madley scratching these areas at every given opportunity). The time of year when these midges strike is normally between the months of April and November (this depends on where you live as it is the summer months) but this may vary with the temperature. The midges thrive near water and the females midge will only bite during dawn and dusk (the male midge doesn't actually bite) so ponies turned out to graze near water overnight are most likely to suffer from sweet itch.

So what can you do if your pony has Sweet Itch? Well prevention is better than cure so if you can stop your pony from getting it in the first place then this is the best solution.

Top Tips:
* Using fly repellents is vital to discourage any flies and midges from biting in the first place.
* If you can avoid turning your pony out to graze at night near water then still this will limit your pony's contact with midges.
* Turn your pony out with a fly sheet or bring him into a stable at night.
* Adding some Garlic to the pony's feed is also a good idea as the smell comes out in your pony's sweat which flies hate.