Hannahs Horsey Headquarters
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In the wild horses and ponies graze over large areas and are rarely troubled by worms. Worms are a problem when we have inflicted on horses by domesticating them and confining them to small areas of grazing. Regular worm treatment is probably one of the most important contributions you can make to keeping your pony healthy along with proper pasture mangagement i.e. picking up droppings.

Worm treatments come in the form of powders or granules given in the food or as pastes squirted into the animals mouth. If you have a new pony worm him 24 hours before turning him out and after this he will need worming every six to eight weeks even in winter.

Here are some different types of worms and where they live in the body:
° Roundworm - Small intestine
° Threadworms - Small intestine
° Bots - Mouth and stomach
° Hairworms - Stomach
° Lungworms - Lungs
° Tapeworms - Small intestine
° Small Redworms - Large intestine
° Bloodworms - Large intestine
° Pinworms - Large intestine

~*So remember to worm your pony regularly.~*