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Well there's certainly plenty to go at, heres what the past 8 years have brought...

1. Whiting

2. Cod

3. Dab

4. Barbel

5. Roach

6. Carp

7. Perch

8. Gudgeon



9. Rudd

10. Tench

11. Crucian Carp

12. Bream

13. Dogfish

14. Plaice

15. Flounder

16. Bass

17. Ruffe

18. Mackerel

19. Trout

20. Tope

21. Lesser Weaver

22. Greater Weaver

23. Pollock

24. Grayling

25. Gurnard

26. Minnow

27. Black Bream

28. Smelt

29. Ballan Wrasse

30. Thick Lipped Mullet

31. Launce

32. Dace

33. Eel

34. Coalfish

35. Pike

36. Chub

37. Bull Huss

38. Red Mullet

39. Scorpion Fish 40. Pouting
41. Orfe

An alleged capture but I aint so sure...
42. Saddled Sea Bream

43. Bogue

44. Derbio

45. Barracuda

46. Salpa

47. Garfish

48. Two Banded Sea Bream

49. White Sea Bream

50. Damselfish

51. Dragonet

52. Shanny

53. Scad

54. Chub Mackerel

55. Dentex

56. Rainbow Wrasse

57. Comber

58. Sardine

59. Bleak

60. Amberjack

61. Golden Grey Mullet

62. Cuckoo Wrasse

63. Sand Goby

64. Corkwing Wrasse

65. Striped Sea Bream

66. Bluefish

67. Stone Loach

68. Bullhead

69. Annular Sea Bream

70. Dusky Grouper

71. Thin Lipped Mullet

72. Catfish

73. Herring

74. Stickleback

75. Poor Cod

76. Goldsinny Wrasse

77. Rockling

78. Pearly Razorfish

79. Atlantic Bonito

80. Lesser Sandeel

81. Red Bream

82. Blotched Picarel

83. Hake

84. Conger Eel

85. Starry Smoothhound

86. Bullet Tuna

87. Dorado

88. Canadian Catfish

89. Redband Fish

90. Thornback Ray

91. Yellowfin Tuna

92. Thwaite Shad

93. Little Tuna

So then, what you gonna catch this year...?

Is the pinnacle of your angling success this year going be a Wrasse from the rocks at Nefyn or a Perch from the canal at Adlington...?

Will you even get into double figures...? And will statements made in the past come back to haunt you, "21...!!! Is that all...??? I'll beat that by April, because that's how much I'm going for it...!"