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Just a few simple rules and guidelines to follow...

1. Fishing starts on the 1st January 2011 and finishes on 31st December 2012.
2. Exclusions - all fish caught in garden ponds, fish tanks or rock pools do not qualify.
3. All other fish caught in UK, European or Worldwide waters count.
4. Boats and shore fishing are both allowed.
5. Proof of capture... Without mentioning any names, we all know about the fellow who only caught big tench when he was fishing on his own so proof of capture is a must. All fish must have a picture taken ideally with the angler concerned or with an identifying item of tackle, which can then be uploaded to the web site.
6. No excuses this year... Failure to supply photos when claiming fish captures will result in non counting of the fish and its capture awarded to The Poacher. You have been warned..!
7. Loser of the adults league buys a PC/Wii/DS game for the winner of the kids league.

So... forget those dreams of Blue-Fin Tuna and Big Sharks, sort out your tackle, dig out that camera, get down Adlington canal and start catching those gudgeon.

A certain plaque, of ill-repute, will again be used as a trophy to be presented at year end to

"The Ultimate Fisherman - 2012"