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Welcome to Crystal Tokyo. Wowwie! It's been a whole year and I made my second renovation on the mainpage. I must say, I like this a lot better. Everything looks lighter and not as gloomy. Like the image map? I actually made it myself. No help! Yay! No matter how good this site looks, I will always be a novice. I'm come a long way, but I've still got a whole bunch more to learn. Over the course of the year, I've mastered (IMO) HTML, javascript, and other fancy schmancy programing languages. Still working on DHTML, but I'm getting there. I decided not to go with a rollover image thingy, cause it was too complicated. I know... I still like to go with simple and easy. But eyecatching too.
I'm estatic that you chose my webpage to mentor yourself through your Moonie journey, you'll learn a lot from this site and continue to add to your knowledge at other SM sites. If I don't have something here, just let me know and I'll attempt to add it as soon as possible, or I'll give you the URLs to sites that I know have it. As of now, Welcome to the future of Earth, Crystal Tokyo, and I hope you'll leave your signature in the Guest Book!

Updated August 17: I'm in the process of updating my entire links section. If you've got a SM site, email it to me and I'll put it up.

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