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I have been given permission to video tape Rebecca Herbst's Soiree and Real Andrew's Fan Event and I am now taking orders. Both events are being held during the GH fan club weekend, July 23 - 25, in LA. I hope this will be a great way for fans to see these actors "in person" even if they can't be at their events. Some of you who are attending may also like to have something to remember the experience by.

I want these tapes to be the very best quality that they can be. What is the point of going to all this trouble if they aren't, right? For that reason:

~The tapes will be taken to a studio to be professionally dubbed so that each copy looks as clean as the original.

~ The actors will be wearing a cordless microphone feeding directly into the camera so that every sound on stage should be crystal clear.

~ The camera will be on a tripod directly in front of the action, so there won't be any "heads in the way" or "bobbing motions" that make you sea sick to watch :).

For Becky's tape, she has told me she will try to say a few words on camera, before the event, to all you Brigaders, and other fans, who can't attend. I also intend to get shots of her booth at the Soap Boutique and show you all of the auction items and displays at the Soiree. I will do my best to get Real to say a few words on camera too, but I haven't approached him about this yet.

The price of these tapes take into account the added expense of professional dubs and equipment. I hope you all agree that it is worth it to pay a little more for something of much higher quality. It won't be the same as being there, but I will make it the next best thing!

For each tape, please send $25(yes, I will take personal checks) to:

Carrie Randall
PO Box 2003
Toluca Lake, CA 91610

Be sure to specify which tape you are ordering and where you'd like it sent. It might be a good idea to include your email address too, just in case I need to get a hold of you. I will get the first set of dubs made to fill whatever orders I've received in the mail BEFORE the events or given to me AT the events. After all of those orders are filled, I will start filling any other orders I receive. I will try to get them to you guys ASAP, though. I might even address the envelopes of the early orders before that weekend, just to save time :).

Any questions, email me at

I'm so glad to have the chance to share this with so many of you!

|_ _| Boo