Update 12-8-05

Click Here to go to the new home of Onyx V., A.K.A. Jaleigh Johnson. This page will no longer be updated and is soon to be no more. *moment of silence* ;)

Update 8-28-05

Well, here we go, and only a week after the actual event, which I think is a record. The
Gen Con Report is up, come one, come all, and remember, I make very little attempt to elminate spelling and grammar errors on this one, and expect only to be lavished with praise. =) Pictures will be added sometime this week, as they're not develped yet and Todd, if you're reading this, feel free to send me some of your pics too. Enjoy!

Update 6-3-05

Well, it seems I have a
Livejournal now. So far so good, I haven't blown up the computer yet. It's probably going to turn into yet one more way for me to procrastinate, but hey, it's a fun way. ;)

Update 5-18-05

Revenge of the Sith draws nigh, and it's the end of an era in more ways than one. No more new Star Wars and, at least for the forseeable future, no more midnight showings for our local group of movie diehards. Return of the King was the last one we went to--the conclusion of another great saga...unless Peter Jackson gets to work on The Hobbit. ;) And later tonight/tomorrow, after I drag my butt home at 3:00 in the morning and slip into unconsciousness for a few precious hours, I'll be waiting for the next big thing. What's it going to be, though? What's next on the fantasy/sci-fi radar? It's frightening not knowing these things. If I'm not standing in line for Star Wars or hoping to God that I get fourth row center for the battle scene at Minas Tirith, what is my purpose in life????

I guess I could write a little...that might be okay. ;)

Update 5-8-05

Happy Mother's Day!

Two updates in two days, I must be drunk. Just shows you how happy I get when people sign the guestbook. Now if I can just fix the broken links, I'll be really professional. ;)

Update 5-7-05

New releases: Realms of the Dragons II is officially out in bookstores, or there's a convenient link to order it from Amazon near the bottom of the page. Also, the Darkness Rising 2005 anthology has been released. You can still order the limited edition hardcover directly from the publisher,
Prime Books. And I'm updating the site, so yay for me. :)

Also, I noticed the counter hits going up again, but no guestbook entries to show for it, so I can only assume I'm getting return visitors. If so, thanks you two or three people. ;)

Update 3-10-05

Updated the bibliography page to account for recent stuff. Darkness Rising should be out sometime in 2005, no idea when, but I'm going to be optimistic in this case, lest it go the way of Arabella Romances. At least I didn't submit "Magi," the cursed story, to them. I should offer money...if there's a publication someone wants to disappear, I could just submit "Magi." It's already killed two print magazines and one e-zine, it's out to take over the world.

I've reached the final chapter in the novel. Granted, I'm still writing the last three longhand, but it still feels pretty good to be this close to accomplishing what I set out to do last April. I kind of had the deadline as December, but four months isn't that long, is it? ;)

Update 12-18-04
Josh: An hour with you in a rare bookstore. Couldn't you just drop me off the top of the Washington monument instead?
President Bartlett: It's Christmas, Josh, no reason we can't do both.
JOSH: I suppose.
--The West Wing

West Wing has become my DVD-viewing life, that and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King extended edition.

Hey, guess what, Realms of the Dragons II is now up for pre-order from Amazon. Click Here and get it, get it now! You won't actually get it until May 3, 2005, but get it anyway!













Guestbook by GuestWorld