
A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver
~Thomas A~ Kempis.~

Spa31, Spabambi, BrideOfTheWind, dasmoocher, Type-o Queen,
Yammus, SensualDesires, LadyVictorianRoseIAm, Lady VR and VenusRain

I'd like to thank you for coming to my page…*S*…
It's very nice of you to visit…
I am new at this HTML schtuff…
But have a lot of friends out there who help me too…
Well I am from Hamilton, Ontario…
Born and raised here…
I have been married to a wonderful man
for over 11 years…Thank you …
I also have two beautiful children…
Alex aged 8…and Brittany aged 6…
They are mommy's
~Pride and Joy~
I like to chat… As most of my friends already know…
I'm always here…*giggle*…
I have made a lot of friends in chat and have met a lot
Of wonderful people in real life also…
And the best part is they still like me
Even after they've met me…
*EG*…Poor things…*S*…
I've been into this chat stuff for over 2 years now…
And loved every minute of it…
Had my ups and downs…
But now I'm on the ~High~ of my life…
I've finally gotten a life...*hehehe* …
And I'm loving my family and time off here
More and more each day…
Not saying I'm gonna leave this…
...No way…
Can't get rid of me that easily…*lmao*…
But I am realizing what I do have right here at home...
And that is a family that loves me and
Was missing me because of this…
It is an addiction that can be cured…*lol*…
You just have to know when to let go…
...I did…*S*…
I can usually be found chatting away in MPLAYERor on ICQ.

I will be adding a lot more soon.

Real Player Music